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First Tourney Ever!

Started by Fhanados, November 06, 2012, 05:29:32 AM

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On the weekend I participated in my first tournament ever! It was an eye opening experience, and a harsh teacher. Inspired by Bigtoof's amazing batreps I've tried to add a bit of a narrative to it to keep it interesting. I'll be giving each game its own post to separate it a bit. This is all done from memory, and the specifics are a bit hazy so please forgive the lack of detail.

If my multi-posting is a no-no please let me know and next time I'll be good. I promise  ;)

Fabius Bile
Necron Overlord: Warscythe

Chaos Marines x10: 2x meltas, power fist champ
Chaos Marines x10: 2x meltas, power fist champ
Necron Warriors x11

Destroyers x3

Oblits x3
Havocs x2: Missile Launcher, Flakk, Lascannon, Plasma gun

My list is less than optimal. Ideally I wanted to run a cultist blob, a better unit of havocs and a defense line with quad gun, but I just didn


OPPONENT #1 - Space Wolves
Wolf Priest

Marines x10: 2x plasma, power fist, rhino
Marines x10: 2x plasma, power fist, rhino
Marines x10: 2x plasma, power sword, rhino

Scouts x6: plasma gun

Sky Claws x5: Melta, Power Fist
Thunder Wolf Cavalry x3: Storm Shield, Power Fist, Plasma Pistol

SCENARIO: First Assault.
WARLORD TRAIT: Black Crusader

This scenario was a modified objective based game. Both players deployed on the same long edge of the board in opposite corners. All 4 objectives were placed in a T shape in the middle the opposite board edge, meaning one objective was opposite each deployment zone towards the middle, one was in the middle of the edge and one in the middle of the battlefield. In this game, Fast Attack were scoring and First Blood could only be achieved on the first turn.

Fabius Bile had decided to lead the newly created Word Bearer force to personally oversee their performance. Of particular interest was the small number of soldiers who he had made additional adjustments to during their surgery. The modifications were dormant for now, but once battle was joined custom created glands would produce artificial hormones that would trigger changes in musculature and mental acuity. The trio of


OPPONENT #2 - Chaos/Necrons
Chaos Lord: Melta Bombs
Necron Overlord: Warscythe, Mindshackle Scarabs, Semp. Weave
Royal Court: 2x Lords w/ Warscythe and Orb (I think. These might have been counts-as crypteks. They didn't do anything so I don't remember.)


Chaos Marines x10: 2x Plasma, Rhino
Chaos Marines x10: 2x Plasma, Rhino
Immortals x5: Gauss, Nightscythe
Immortals x5: Gauss, Nightscythe

Havocs x5: 4x Autocannon
Havocs x5: 4x Autocannon

SCENARIO: Big Guns Never Tire.
WARLORD TRAIT: Master of Deception (3 units)

This game was the least fun. It was a fairly solid list in my opinion, although I couldn


As you say, your list wasn't really optimised. Those first two lists you played whilst by no means being overpowerd, they are more streamlined and competative. You've done well to stay in the games with your list though.

What do you ideally want to take for your next tourney? Hope that last game went well!
X-Wing Tournaments;
1st - 38
11th - 33


Very good rep!
Love to see more, as the fluff is certainly a good start and I'd love to see how this all evolves!


BigToof Points:

Cammerz: 8
Waaaghpower: 1
The Man They Call Jayne: 3
Mabbz: 6
Archon Sharrek: 3


Thanks for the praise! And to come from the Toof himself  :D

The fluff isn't too much just yet, more of a filler for all the details I've left out of the rep. I'll be expanding on it more when I actually start using my characters instead of Bile, and really look forwards to fleshing out my rivalry with Imperial Guard (my most common opponent).

As far as my list goes, there isn't too much I can do to it until I buy more models. I seem to be lacking in two things: Mobility and hitting power. I would really like to run a Forgefiend or two, and I'm warming to the idea of using Bikes or Raptors but it's going to be a long time until I can do that (planning and paying for a wedding can somewhat drain one's hobby funds...). At present my only other models are 2 Rhinos, some terminators, flying DP the Dark Vengeance stuff and a Vindicator. I also have a 10 man Chosen unit with 5 plasma guns and a plasma pistol champ (AARGH WE ARE BURNING!!!) which I USED to use for outflanking  >:(

In my next list I plan to use something along the lines of:

2 Melta units in rhinos
20 man cultist blob (sadly with the mixed weapons of the DV set)
Maybe terminators.

I don't have my codex handy so I don't really know how that will pan out.

I've almost finished my last report and will post it shortly.


OPPONENT #3: Tyranid


Gaunts x10
Gaunts x10 devourers
Genestealers x10 (maybe less)
Genestealers x10 (maybe less)


WARLORD TRAIT: Black Crusader

This battle took place on the same table as game 2. I knew I was screwed before I even deployed. I watched this guy play his other two games and he absolutely annihilated Mech Guard and got a solid victory against Nurgle biker spam (which I now call


A hard last game, Tervigons are a pain to deal with. Great reports though and im sure you will do better next time with more time to prepare your list.
X-Wing Tournaments;
1st - 38
11th - 33