Second Sphere

Hobby Creations => Battle Reports => Topic started by: Chicop76 on October 18, 2013, 12:02:19 PM

Title: Arena Fight: Marines vs Eldar
Post by: Chicop76 on October 18, 2013, 12:02:19 PM
Welll instead of explaining everything I am continuing from last I left off. By the time I finish this Nids vs Sisters might me the next two armies to fight with a possible Blood Angel fight. Depending on if I get two more codecs would determine the next two fights.

Anyway I made the fights a bit shorter due to the amount of time, die rolling and the space an event like this takes up. I had to redo one fight simply due to overlooking stats the first time. Just a reminder I an doing named Unique characters in each fight. Having premade characters is interesting and I may do it at a later date. However I can see people saying if I build x it would be a better build. Also I am trying to keep same costing models fighting each other. Since some books have a ton of expensive characters like Eldar doing so is rather hard to do. All the match ups, but two so far has been random. These two books had some mismatched fights, but since Khaine is cheaper than most the Phoenix lords for example you will get odd fights like Vulcan. I think last time I did this it was eldar vs marines with a lot of eldar victories and eldar was curb stomping every army out there. However abilities like smash have made a difference in the round ups.

Also keep in mind the second round will be interesting since I can pair armies a bit better. Also due to codex releases it is determining who fights who since when I started only 4 updated books was out, so no guard vs tau and you wind up with Chaos Marines vs Tau and Daemons vs Dark Angels. Due to this being a big project that takes up a lot of timeI doubt I will rrevisit codex fights, but have no problem redoing individual fights, if for example the other fighter had a chance of winning due to my oversight in abilities. 

Another note I decided not to random psychic powers and to pick them. I figure random powers could determine the fight too much. I kept the randomness to have upsets, but I still want to see which model is the so called strongest their is.

Arena fight Cont.

Kor'Sarro Khan on Moondraken vs Illic Night Spear

Night Spear opts for the 12" line while Khan starts in the middle tx to scout. Nightspear opts to stay put since he only have one attack before he gets assaulted.

Night Spear fires which wounds Khan. Khan assaults with hammer of wrath attacks and manages to put two fatal wounds on night spear who missed on over watch. Night Spear managed to put another wound on Khan. However Khan attacks back with his normal attacks and easily kills Night Spear.

Only way Spear could had won is if he lucked up and get a six shooting with his rifle. Other than that the fight was fairly one sided.

Fuegan vs Captain Lysander

Both opt for a battle in the middle. Fugan strikes first with 5 attacks. 3 goes through wounding Lysander twice. Which Lysander blocks with his Storm shield.

Lysander strikes back hiting only once, but easily gets a blow on Fugan which stubles to the ground.

Fugan and Lysander strikes back at the same time. Lysander manages 3 hits which was enough to strike a killng blow.

Fugan with his dying breath with his resolve swings and hit 4 times easily wounding with added strength. However Lysander takes a blow which he brushes off.

Finally a Marine victory. Thanks to a storm shield.

Well it has been awhile since I left off. Now that Sisters, Marines, and Eldar now have new material with nids and angels on the way I figure I can start off with Eldar vs The Marines. I decided I probaly will not do suppliments since it will be hard to keep track and some may not have any characters in them.
Prince Yriel vs Chaplain Cassius.

Both decide to start in the middle of the ring. YRIEL strikes first with I 7 and strikes with 6 attacks. 5 attacks go through penatrating Cassius armour with ease and killing him rather easy.

Yriel wins hands down. Due to hitting on 3s and wounding on 2s. While ignoring saves.
I forgot Cassius is T6 with fnp  with stregth 6 attacks. Redid fight and Cassius won due to instant death.

Avatar of Khaine vs Vulkan He'Stan

Since Khaine is immu e to Vulkan's range attacks Vulkan will try meeting in the center.

No surpris Khaine strikes first. Opting to smash he strikes with 4 smash attacks which easily get 3 hits through that hit and wound. Khaine manages to get through Vulkan's mantle killing him.

So far 2 battles won for Eldar. I know both fights seemed really one sided, but both fights was equal or close to the same point cost. Hopefully the marines can pull something out of this.

Jain Zar vs Shadow Captain Shrike

Both decide to meet in the center.

Jain Zar goes first with 6 attacks due to banshees mask Zar easily hits with 3 attacks and thanks to shred was able to cause enough wounds to kill Shrike before he can do anything.

Baharroth vs Captain Sicarius

Baharroth opts for 12 " away while Captain opts for 6" start.

Cap moves up 6" and fires his pistol which wounds the lord.

The hawk fires at the Cap with his talons and fails to get through the three plus save.

The hawk assaults with 5 attacks which 4 goes through and only pierce the caps armor once.

Cap swings back with 3 attacks which 2 get through, but have a really hard time getting through the pheonix lords armor.

After a really long fight. That plus two armor on both fighters was no joke. Baharroth wins due to better ws and more attacks base.