Second Sphere

Hobby Creations => Battle Reports => Topic started by: BigToof on October 18, 2012, 10:52:52 PM

Question: How do you think this battle will end?
Option 1: Imperial Guard Victory (I mean... it has to be a happy ending, right?) votes: 1
Option 2: Dark Eldar Victory (Grim Darkness.  And a sequel hook?) votes: 2
Option 3: A tie (Status quo FTW?) votes: 1
Title: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: BigToof on October 18, 2012, 10:52:52 PM
1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)

Hi All,
Because you demanded it, here it is: A brutal, brutal game between Vasily and his Tau allies and the weird but hella killy mix of Dark Eldar and Daemons under the command of the sinister Lady D'ysperax.

Before the rep starts, let me preface by saying that Lady D matches are the most hair-raising matches both in terms of tactics and in fluff-writing.
The lists are usually things I haven't seen before and coupled with a scary tactician it makes for tense, tense matches.

Things happened in this rep that have not yet happened before, and as the rep title proclaims:
Yes, the Mighty do indeed FALL.



The Lists

Imperial Guard/Tau Alliance 1500pts: 84 Infantry, 1 Vehicle, 1 Fort; 13-15KPs
1st Auric Battalion
-Commander Vasily Romanov w/ Master of Ordinance
-Lord Commissar Katarina Vaskov w/PF,Carapace Armor (Warlord)
-Baron von Oberheim and Stormtroopers (Stormtroopersx5 w/Meltagunsx2)
-The Mordheim Cuckoos (Psykersx8 w/Overseer)
-Lt. Temperance Windsor-Smith w/Flamersx4
-Infantry Platoon w/Lascannon
-Infantry Platoon w/Lascannon
-Infantry Platoon w/Lascannon
-Veteransx10 w/Meltagunsx3, Carapace Armor, Sgt. King Bremen I w/Power Axe
-The Steel-Beast Killers (Rough Ridersx7 w/MB Sgt. Lady Tomoe Saigo)
-Hydra Autocannon
Tau'n Sept Observers
-Shas'El Sha'shera (Shas'El w/PR, FB, Shield Generator, Irridium Armor, MT, TL)
-Crisis Suitsx2 w/Plasma Rifles, Fusion Blasters, MT)
-Fire Warriorsx6
-Broadsidesx2 w/Shas'Ui, BSF, TL
Ageis Defense Line w/Quadcannon

Dark Eldar/Daemons: 1500pts, 34 Infantry, 6 Vehicles, 1MC; 14 KPs
The Wicked Talon Kabal
-Lady D'ysperax (Archon w/Huskblade, Shadow Field, CD, ST, PGL)
-Incubix5 in Raider w/Retrofire Jets
-Warriorsx10 w/SC in Raider w/Splinter Racks
-Warriorsx5 w/Blaster in Venom w/SCx2
-Warriorsx5 w/Blaster in Venom w/SCx2
-Voidraven Bomber w/Shatterfield Missilesx2
-Voidraven Bomber w/Shatterfield Missilesx2
Chaos Daemons

Chapter Five: The Endgame

Vasily Romanov, Commander of the 1st Auric Resistance, wiped the sweat out of his eyes.  It was going to be a long day, but then again, these sort of ceremonies always seemed to take forever.  He glanced to his right and saw the chipper form of his second-in-command Lieutenant Temperance Windsor-Smith dressed in her best Praetorian finery and almost aglow with pomp and pride.  But who could blame her given the circumstance?

He then steeled himself and took a sideways glance to his left to see Lord Commissar Katarina Vaskov.  She was dressed in her usual Commissar garb, shined up a bit, but strangely austere given the event.  Vasily noted that her Bolt Pistol was still, quite tellingly, in its holster and the way Katya kept looking around gave him the feeling that she would be willing to use it if any trouble, in or out of the ranks, were to happen. 

But that seemed rather unlikely.  Or so Vasily hoped.

The Prison Planet that was once Nalexus VIII had been reinvigorated.  Most of it, Vasily had to admit, was probably his fault as he had accidentally pardoned the entire planet.  The Caretakers on the moon had tried to silence the "uprising," but had gone too far when they allied themselves with the skeletal Xenos that crept within the bowels of the planet.  When all was said and done, the Xenos had vanished, leaving their human allies with nothing to do but surrender or face annihilation.  Luckily, they had fallen all over themselves with the surrender option.

Vasily had half-expected the Ex-Prisoners to fall into some kind of rampant state of anarchy, looting and mayhem with lots of their previous Caretakers' heads falling into baskets and whatnot.  But, surprisingly, Sergeant Bremen had somehow single-handily banded them all together and kept the mayhem to a minimum.  Even the Caretakers were shown mercy and were not made prisoners.  In fact, Vasily had to admit, it was a bit odd that the first thing the mutants decided to do was forbid any prisons at all.  Instead, the Caretakers were forcibly integrated into Mutant society, something that all of the once-captives felt was punishment enough.

After weeks of talk and discussion, Vasily was offered Kingship of the entire planet.  He had almost fallen off his feet, but luckily he was fast enough to quickly divest all such responsibility to Bremen.  The once-Sergeant beamed with pride and thankfully accepted. 
And now here they were, sweltering in record heat, out with all of the full regalia and all, watching the coronation.  It was an interesting put-together, not the fanciest that Vasily had ever seen by far, but still very solemn and enthusiastic in its own way. 

A good day indeed. 

He was hoping that he could be far, far away from the front (and potential sniper targets), but Bremen had insisted that he and his officers be near the front.  Despite his protests, here he was, out in the open, possibly in mortal danger.

The priests went on and on and on as usual, quoting from various books and whatnot.  Vasily was starting to doze off when Bremen rose from the somewhat shambly looking throne and spoke in a booming voice,

"Friends!  It is a glorious day for us all!  For today, we announce our freedom!  Freedom from the prison that once was our home, and now gives us the future that we have always desired!  And all thanks... to our great savior...  the great Commander Romanov!"

Cheers and applause broke out from every direction, except, Vasily noted, from Katya, who if anything, drew a bit closer towards her Bolt Pistol.

He tried to not think about the Bolt Pistol and it's ever so ominous threat of violence, but it was rather hard to ignore.  Perhaps that is why several moments probably went by before he noticed the silence.  Vasily looked around and saw hundreds of thousands of eyes peering at him.  Waiting for... something.  He supposed he had to say something.

"Ah...  Thank you?"

The applause went out again, this time twice as fervent.  Vasily twisted a bit uncomfortably under it all, and noticed that Katya, perhaps noticing his distress, seemed to stand down from the certain-to-explode-head stance that she was maintaining.

The priest was about to continue when a loud voice cried out,

"And what of the TAU?"

All eyes turned towards a trio of Xenos battlesuits that muscled their way to the front.  Guardsmen and Mutants alike shrank away, weapons were raised, but Vasily yelled for them to hold their fire.  Not so much that he didn't want the Xenos shot, but that the wielders had a higher likelihood of crossfiring horribly and maiming/killing lots of people.  Possibly including himself.

The Tau leader barked out, "I am Shas'El Sha'shera of the Sept T'aun.  We fought by your side, shed our blood.  Where is our recognition?  Where is our applause?  We gave just as much as you, if not more so.  What say you, great Commander?"

Vasily frowned.  The Tau didn't... sound happy to see him.  Perhaps he shouldn't have been ignoring all of those messages for parlay, but he was busy.  Busy with lots of things.  Like not appearing to be corresponding with Xenos and being executed.

He spoke out, "Uh.. Hi.  Listen.  Can we... talk later?"

Some murmurs went out amongst those closest to him and then spread to a wildfire of gossip and outrage.  Even Bremen seemed surprised, perhaps even disappointed.  Vasily winced. 

Even now, after all these years, he told himself, you sure do know how to cock things up, don't you?

The Tau shook with outrage for a moment and was about to give a rejoinder, when a high-pitched eerily familiar laugh went out.  Children and women wailed, pulling away as a slender, but evilly elegant looking creature leapt out from the crowd, stopping a mere dozen or so feet from Vasily.

Lady D'ysperax of the Wicked Talon smiled a horrible, rictus grin.  Vasily felt all of his nightmares return, and was about to try and run when Katya threw him to the ground and fired her pistol.  He hoped that it would shred the Xenos witch, but instead, it passed harmlessly through her.

She clucked her tongue disapprovingly.

"Oh, poppet.  Ghostholo images.  I'm afraid a bit dramatic for my taste, but I can't let you get away with this infedility.  I thought I was the only Xenos for your heart.  Clearly I was... mistaken." 

She threw an evil glance at the Tau, and they shrunk back.

The Archon turned back and continued, "Oh, Poppet, you have no idea as to what I've done, the things I've started because of you.  I'm going to kill everyone on this planet.  But not you.  Oh, no poppet, I've figured it out. 

You only won't go with me, because you have options.  You have...  What's your word for it... friends.   So, I've brought some new guests for you to play with, and after you're done and this world is torn apart and you're all so very alone...  I'll come for you.  And you won't have any. other. choice.  I've already poisoned the Imperium against you.  There's no solace there.  Nobody will come to your aid.  You are mine today.  And nothing is going to stand in my way."

The image flickered out of existence and then the screaming started.  The mutants began to run in all directions, stampeding out of the square.  Marshalls started to yell for order, to little effect.  Tems was already on her comm giving orders for a full defense line.  And Katya...  Vasily just looked over at her, and he saw her eyes burning into him.  Searching for something suspicious, some reason to kill him and be done with it all.  Or so Vasily was hoping.  Because death would be preferable to life under the thrall of the Dark Eldar.

Mission: Emperor's Will (2 objectives)
Setup: Dawn of War (Night Fight: ON = OH BADNESS)
Terrain: Ruins
Warlord: Katya (Night Fight; oh how I wish you could turn them OFF), Lady D (-1 to opponent's reserves)


Pre-Game Thoughts: Wow, this list is a bit different and I suspect tweaked to near-perfection.  A lot of questions on my end: I added a Hydra (yes, just one) to see if it'll make a difference.  I brought back Lady Saigo and had to cut down Bremen to just a melta-vet squad, but I can live with that. 

As for the DE/Daemons... wow, Incubi (!) are there, but probably a bit overkill as nothing is that hard to tear apart on my end.  Their Raider has Retrofire jets which is... unusual to say the least.  The Screamers are no longer there, but instead there are Flamers (!).  Which I am sure will be loads of fun.  Just not for me.
This is going to be an ugly match I feel...

To be continued!
Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: Cammerz on October 19, 2012, 06:57:50 AM
I can think on no villain greater or more terrifying in the BT-universe than the amazing Lady D. Even when she loses the battle she turns it into some form of victory for herself right at the last minute with a simple line or two of rhetoric.

I know it may sound like some form of Heresy, but given the three options listed in your poll, a defeat followed by a sequel hook seems like the best option from a fluff point of view (and I read these for the fluff much more than I do for the battle itself). But whatever the ending, I'm really looking forward to it.

The title, "The Mighty Shall Fall" certainly makes me start wondering who will drop. I've got a couple of ideas so far but I won't mention them here just in case it turns into a spoiler of some sort. But I'll probably go and explain when all is said and done for this battle.

Greatly looking forward to this BT, please don't keep us waiting too long.
Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: BigToof on October 19, 2012, 01:11:35 PM
Quote from: Cammerz on October 19, 2012, 06:57:50 AM
I can think on no villain greater or more terrifying in the BT-universe than the amazing Lady D. Even when she loses the battle she turns it into some form of victory for herself right at the last minute with a simple line or two of rhetoric.

I know it may sound like some form of Heresy, but given the three options listed in your poll, a defeat followed by a sequel hook seems like the best option from a fluff point of view (and I read these for the fluff much more than I do for the battle itself). But whatever the ending, I'm really looking forward to it.

The title, "The Mighty Shall Fall" certainly makes me start wondering who will drop. I've got a couple of ideas so far but I won't mention them here just in case it turns into a spoiler of some sort. But I'll probably go and explain when all is said and done for this battle.

Greatly looking forward to this BT, please don't keep us waiting too long.

Hi Cammerz,
Thanks for your reply.  As the title certainly does suggest, things... don't go as swimmingly as I had hoped.  The DE/Daemon list really doesn't look that bad, and at first I thought it was going to be easy sailing...  Boy was I wrong!  I'll try to write this one up quick (although additional enthusiastic posts do help   ;) ).

Lady D is a really great villain and it's been a great pleasure to write her up.  She's one thing I'm pretty proud of.  How things pan out in this battle though...  Well, let's just say that the fluff is getting shook up a bit.

Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: BigToof on October 24, 2012, 04:49:49 PM
Hi All,
I've written some tough things, but this next part was kind of heart-breaking in more ways than one.
The rest of the rep will be coming up later, but I hope this will tide everyone over.

Comments and Critiques greatly appreciated!



Setup: Well, after a lot of hard thinking, and being given (forced!) to deploy my ADL first, I decide to go for defense and deploy in a corner, doing the best I can to not offer up too much in the way of LoS shenanigan potentials.  My opponent then takes his first object and puts a bastion about... 12" away from my front line.  That's... not so good.  Scattered trees and ruins went around, giving some cover to run to, but not a lot on the opposite side of the board.  No ruins behind the ADL this time, as I want my objective back there.  The DE put their objective near the center on their side of the board, a bit more away from the ADL side.

I think for a while for deployment.  This is going to be tricky.  The flamers are going to be tough to get rid of in a single turn, and nothing in any of the small units are going to survive all of that splinter fire that I know is going to be coming my way.  So I deploy the big 30 man unit first with Katya manning the Quadgun.  Behind them go the Broadsides and behind that the Hydra with Tems hiding behind it.  Vasily goes out to the right, hugging the Hydra for cover.  Everyone else (yes it's a lot) goes into reserve.
My opponent puts out all four of his boats, of course using the Bastion for LoS blocking.

Everything seems kind of like a stalemate at this point, as there's no chance of me getting any shots at his ships.


Then the DE steal the initiative!

Picture Caption: The situation has gone from suck to blow!


Vasily Romanov looked around the ruined remains of the town square.  Garrisons were hastily thrown together and the Guardsmen around him were anything but calm, most praying to the Emperor that something, anything would let them make it through the day.
Although most did so under their breath as Lord Commissar Katarina Vaskov stood by the enormous Quadgun, watching for the Xenos to approach.

Vasily looked around as well.  He had kept most of the 1st Auric back to try and react to whatever battlefield madness would soon spring upon whatever was going to happen.  The Dark Eldar, especially this Lady D'ysperax was known for sewing chaos before the battle started.  Especially, he noted, in his own spirit and relatively poor countenance.  He glanced back at his second-in-command, and Temperance nodded with a smile to him in return.  He waved back with a smaller smile.  Somehow, he and Tems had made it through almost everything the universe had seen fit to throw at them, but...

Shouts from the men around him brought him back to attention as he dropped down, fearing snipers, but paused for a moment as he noticed that all the men were looking up.

"Cor!," he heard Tems gasp, "Sir!  Look at the moon!"

Vasily glanced up and saw the moon high above them seem to glow purple, and then shatter, bits of it winking out and breaking apart.

By the Throne, he thought, they're mad, simply mad.  This was no raid, this was genocide.

A nerve-rattling laugh brought him back to the battlefield as the voice of Lady D'ysperax echoed through the shadows around him.

"Oh, Poppet, I was quite serious about everyone dying.  That moon took a great deal of my resources, but consider this:  It puts us on a time limit before the larger chunks start to rain down through the atmosphere.  Nobody gets out alive this time, Poppet.  Except you.  Except.  You."


Turn 1: DE
Lady D'ysperax smiled wickedly, looking at the crimson orb in her hand.  She had long since stopped trying to figure out where her thoughts and the whispers of the orb divided.  In fact, the orb only called towards her overwhelming hunger, normally quite tangible in a Dark Eldar, but now magnified to delicious extremes.  She was cognizant of the change, but cared little.  This little bauble would let her have her poppet, and the only thing that it desired is to be released on occasion.  A fair enough trade as any.
She was about to turn the intricate release on the orb, but raised an eyebrow in satisfaction as the orb seemed to turn itself, moving through the intricate locks without any hesitation.  The sky above her began to split again.  This world was ending in more ways than one.
So the Dark Eldar get first turn and they make very good with it.  The boats all move up to hide but now be very, very close to the front of the ADL.  I think they're still out of assault range, but not by a huge lot.  The Daemons get their preferred wave, and the Bloodthirster lands first, scarily close to the front.  The Quadgun thankfully picks him out of the sky, but only wounds him once!  The Flamers, in retaliation, land fairly close to the Quadgun and burn it (and a lone, unfortunate Guardsman) down.
Picture Caption: Well... at least it's not first blood.

Turn 1: IG
Vasily felt his knees start to quake as the sky turned crimson, and then just let them and the rest of him fall to the dirt as an enormous rift opened, howling as reality itself was rent asunder.
An enormous thing on wings carrying a gigantic axe flapped down from the sky, bestial screams echoing from its lips.
"Fire!," Vasily cried, "Fire at that... thing!"
More screams brought his attention to the front and he heard Katya swear.  He whipped his head around and saw the Quadgun melt under eerie bluish flames as rolling, shifting monsters spat out infernal flames.
Vasily shouted more orders and pointed at the other things as well.  Lasguns and Lascannons fired showering the creatures.  Some fell, and some... did not.

So, yeah, mass shooty time.  I throw out a FR/SRF order on the blob and they take the flamers down to a single Daemon.  The rest of my firepower rails into the Bloodthirster, but they are only able to knock it down to a single wound.




I hope that overwatch will work wonders...

Picture Caption: And now... we're screwed...

Turn 2: DE
Streaks of purplish light shot through the darkness, and Vasily saw with eerie acuity that they tore through the Hydra next to him.  He ducked out of the way as the tank almost flipped, but lost his footing as the men around him started to run.  An all-too-familiar smell of fuel came to his nostrils, and he only had a moment to steel himself before the explosion tore through the air.  He heard a cry and landed hard on his back.  Something was unmoving on his chest, and he assumed that he had bit knocked to the side by a chance bit of rubble.  But, when he opened his eyes, he felt his blood run cold.

It was Tems.  She had somehow rocketed forward and knocked him to safety.  But she wasn't moving.  She wasn't talking.

Vasily picked up a hand and noticed it was slick was blood.  Blood that wasn't his.  He quickly looked her over and saw a jagged piece of shrapnel sticking out of her side.

"Oh, no," he whispered, "Not now.  Not this way.  Medic!  Where's the bleeding medic?!"

He looked around, but barely hide time to roll to the side with Temperance as men came screaming past him.  None even gave him a second glance.

One of them slowed only for a moment and Vasily looked up, gasping as he noticed that the man's head was half torn apart.

Lord Commissar Katarina Vaskov was howling at them to stay and fight, but not even certain death was keeping them at their lines.

Vasily glanced back at the front and saw why.

Lady D'ysperax and a quintet of alien warriors with enormous blades were casually and sadistically tearing apart the last of the resistance.  She would be on them in moments.
Katya was about to turn back to the front, when Vasily stood up, ignored every instinct, and grabbed her by the arm.

She glanced over at him and was about to speak, when Vasily glared at her.

"Tems is hurt.  Get her to safety."

Katya returned his glare, "I am Commissar.  I stay with the line, the line..."

"Is gone, Katya.  Gone.  There's no hope here for it.  Tems needs you.  I need you.  Get her to safety."  After a moment, he added, "Please."

Looking past him at the injured Lieutenant, Katya paused, and Vasily could see her instincts and training tearing at each other.

Vasily dropped his glare and looked at her, "Katya.  I... know this wasn't the way it was supposed to work out.  I know I should have told you before.  But...  I love you.  I want to see you and Tems again.  But I can't go on living knowing that you both would throw your lives away like this.  That she-beast just wants me.  And I'll be damned if I let her take my friends too."

Katya blushed for a moment, then Vasily watched the redness fade as she sternly looked up, "We did not have this conversation.  ...  But... thank you.  Die well, young Commander.  Die well."

Vasily nodded, and kissed her softly on the lips.  Katya almost pulled back, but returned the kiss, as they took a moment on the battlefield for something other than bloodshed.  Then they parted, the Commissar picking up Temperance and heading away, brushing away the tears as they went.

Vasily looked over at the Xenos as they finished their work, and he pulled out a frag grenade.  Even at this range, he had a choice.  He could try and fight, maybe get the luckiest hit of his life.  Or he could take the more cowardly, but at least more reliable option of detonating it near vital organs and hope that the Xenos would not be able to resuscitate him.  He swallowed.  When did you decide to be a hero?  he asked himself.  You know that nobody will ever remember you...


Welcome to the worst turn of my 40k career.

Everything for the DE come in except the Nurglings.  Trust me, they won't be needed.

The two Void Raven Bombers line themselves up for an attack run.  The Flamers move closer.
Lady D pops out of her Raider with her Incubi.  That's going to be... a long run if she can do it.  The Bloodthirster moves forward.

Shooting has the Bombers rip apart the Hydra with a massive explosion.  It takes out a good chunk of the guardsmen, and surprisingly does a number on Tems' squad.  Even, the plucky, lucky little Lt. can't come out unscathed and for the first time ever, I remove her model from the board.

The rest of the poison shots are pretty brutal, as is the flamers assault as the blob is heavily whittled down.

Then assaults come.  The Flamer declares first, I decline overwatch and thankfully it doesn't make the 6 or so inches for the charge.  The Bloodthirster is next and I smash him in the face with lasgun/lascannon and he goes down with overwatch.  And then Lady D charges in... she'll need something like a 11" charge.  Through cover.
And with reroll she gets a 6,6... 6.

Yeah, no joke there.

So, she's in solidly, and then the carnage begins.  Lady D challenges, and I decline, forgetting that Katya is in the squad.  Katya then has to sit out :(
The Incubi solidly take down most of the Guardsmen, and even the Sergeants!  So I'm looking at a re-rollable Ld7.
Which I don't make.

Thankfully the Guardsmen somehow get away (I rolled a 6, DE rolled a 1), so they can live to fight another day.  Too bad they took Katya with them.
So that's... First Blood, Slay the Warlord (technically), and only Vasily's CCS is left after all the carnage has gone on.

Picture Caption: Yeah... this is going to need a miracle.

To Be Continued!
Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: Cammerz on October 24, 2012, 06:20:41 PM
Wow, this DE player really knows how to destroy your army.
I'm not sure exactly how much you have left that isn't on the table but your blob was just obliterated there.
But at least you took out the Bloodthirster and most of those flamers.

And the fluff is phenominal, action, drama, suspense. It took me ages to start writing a reply here as I was too embroiled in the emotion. Vasily is finally getting his hero moment.

For whatever reason, Lady D brings out the best in your writing. I'm not saying that all of your best include her, but she'll appear heavily in the top ten (please don't make me try to list those ten).

I cannot wait to see how this ends up.
Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: BigToof on October 27, 2012, 02:25:52 AM
Hi Cammerz,
Thanks for your reply.
This thread seems strangely quiet...
Hope it's not my writing or is it that people are (hopefully) waiting to see how things pan out?

This may be my magnum opus of sorts.  Hope you all enjoy this one!


Turn 2: IG
Vasily took a few steps forward, still clutching the frag grenade, unsure what to do.  Before he could consider any real rational lines of thought, the Xenos in front of him parted to allow Lady D'ysperax to step forward.

"Oh, oh, Poppet.  This is just... so generous of you.  You're really hoping that by giving yourself up cleanly like this you're going to save the rest of your little people.

You're not.  You see, they wronged me by keeping you from me, and I intend to return the gesture.  They will suffer like none have before.  And I'll have you watch.  Maybe participate even...  It will be GLORIOUS."

Vasily felt his teeth clench, and something that he had not felt in a long time came to the surface: Rage.

He looked up into the inky pools of soul-sucking madness that the Xenos had for eyes and growled,

"You'll have to go through me first.  Men, fire on my command."

The remnants of his command squad looked around in confusion for a moment, but then nodded.  Dying with your boots on.  A proper way to go.  Vasily whispered a small prayer to the Emperor.  Heroes and Fools, right?, he thought.  Wasn't he both this time around?  Whetting his lips, he began to give what was probably going to be last order:

"First rank..."


Vasily and Lady D'ysperax both looked over to see a squad of Fire Warriors burst from their hiding places, showering the Xenos with plasma shots.  Taken off balance, the Incubi shielded their Archon, keeping steady against the fusillade of shots, but slowly falling one by one.

Vasily almost jolted off his feet when his commbead whirred to life,

"Commander Romanov, this is Bremen... King Bremen.  We have isolated the source of the Crimson Rain.  Moving to intercept.  Thank you for the distraction."

He shook his head.  It was impossible.  But, it was happening.  Something could be done, the day could be won.  Tems could be saved.  All he had to do was get in the way.  And he was an expert at doing just that.

"Well?" he said to his men, "What are we waiting for?  First rank fire!  Second rank fire!"

I pick up the dice for reserves and feel a large pit in my stomache.  There's a -1 to reserve rolls.  Not good.  So I try anyway and...

I get everyone but the Baron and the Cuckoos.

Wait... What?

I have a chance.  Not a great chance, but a chance at that.

I put the Fire Warriors down first, moving them within rapid fire range of the Incubi.  Granted they'll probably die next turn, but hells if I'm letting Vasily go down as easily as the rest of my Guardsmen.

Bremen, I put in going right at the DE objective and run him into cover.  The Crisis Suits deep strike in perfectly behind the Venoms.  Lady Saigo also moves up the DE backfield looking for one good charge...

On the scary end of the board, I move Vasily into the Hydra crater.  The Broadsides stay put, they're already in place to block for the CCS.

Shooting begins.
I go FR/SRF on my CCS and shave off an Incubi.  The Fire Warriors shave down three!

You know, Fire Warriors, everything I've ever said bad about you guys before?

Taken back.  You just made up for all those games of mediocre suckage.

The Broadsides try to ping off that last Incubi but fail as they are now using my OWN ADL for cover.

The Crisis Suits and the Shas'El split fire and rip apart a Venom each.  One squad gets knocked down to three and is pinned, the other Warrior squad being knocked down to two members.

Picture Caption: Objective Complete: Miracle Obtained!

Turn 3: DE
Lady D'ysperax smiled, then let go with a cackling laugh.

"Oh, oh really Poppet, this is your grand finale?  Your final attempt at a hopeful triumph?  With... Tau?"

Her laugh built up until it ended up with a maniacal howl.

"Oh, the things we will have to teach you, Poppet.  There is no hope.  There is no future.  There is only me."

Lady D separates from the Incubi (Incubus?  Whatever the singular is...) and moves towards the Fire Warriors.  The lone Incubi then moves forward, ready to charge the Broadsides.  The Warriors in the backfield get out of their Venom and get ready to shoot up the Tau.  The last Venom moves away a bit.  The Void Ravens move up the board.

Shooting starts and... oh, yeah, the VRBs have a clear view of my Broadsides as both Battlesuits bite it as Void Lances take them apart.  The Warriors shoot a lot of shooty at the Tau suits, but somehow only one falls!  (I love you shield generator, I so do...)

The Incubi charge at the CCS, but, since he's going through cover, he is actually taken down before he can swing by Vasily!  I think... that's like the second time he's actually downed something in close quarters.  But things aren't all rosy as Lady D tears apart the Fire Warriors and earns a Pain Token.

Picture Caption: Err... getting... ugly here.  Perhaps I spoke too soon?

Turn 3: IG
Baron von Oberheim shook his head at the holodisplay in front of him.  Romanov's troops were scattered and the Eldar were on top of them from all directions.  Pathetically tragic in every way.  He drummed his fingers on the table in front of him.

He should be enjoying this.  Romanov failing, certain to die at the hands of the Xenos and everything crumbling to bits.

But he wasn't.  Something was gnawing at him.  Something strangely alien.  It took him a bit to recognize it: guilt.

He snorted.  He was Baron von Oberheim, slayer of gods, destroyer of tyrants.  What did he need to feel guilty about?  His own escape shuttle was ready.  It would be a simple matter to order his Stormtroopers to retreat.  Not a stain on his record.

A simple matter indeed.


The word echoed through his mind.  The Commissar would know.  But she would be dead.  The psykers would know.  But they would be dead as well.

Then who would know that he would care about?

Then, the answer came to him: You would know, Baron von Oberheim.  You would know that you ran away while the mouse of a man that you scowled at for months stood his ground and died with honour.  And what kind of man would you be if you allowed that?

The Baron comes in, landing with expert precision near the last Venom.

Lady Saigo continues to guard Bremen as he keeps moving forwards towards the objective.

I pray and do FRF/SRF on Lady D with Vasily's men.  No wounds.  I shoot the MoO at her and end up shooting the next table.
The Tau crisis suits shoot up the Warriors, but they go to ground, and not a lot of damage is done.
The Baron tears apart the last Venom with two point blank melta shots.

I think for a bit, and then declare assaults on the two closest Warrior squads with the Tau crisis suits!  Overwatch fails to produce any meaningful damage, and the Tau slam in, downing a Warrior, but the Dark Eldar hold.

Picture Caption: Thank you Baron.  I needed that.

Turn 4: Dark Eldar
Lady D'ysperax glided over the Ageis Defense Line like it wasn't there, landing elegantly on her feet.  She clucked her tongue at Vasily and his men, who stood, knuckles white on their guns.  They tried to follow her movements, but the Xenos was inhumanily fast.  Worse yet, she was still talking.

"Oh, look Poppet.  No more Tau.  Magic.  Just you, me, and possibilities.  The sad truth is, Poppet, that you don't understand.  I don't do this out of malice, or hate.  But out of love.  I love your terror.  Your fear.  Your wonderful, wonderful hope...  That leads to such tragedy when it's torn asunder.  As in right now."

Lady D moves up to assault Vasily.  Oh, that's not good.
The last of the Warriors moves closer to the Tau.  I wonder what that's for?
And the Void Ravens move up to shoot at Bremen.

Shooting is kind of short as Lady D fires a pistol, but I go to ground and pass a decent cover save.  The void ravens take apart about a third of the Vets, but they hold.

The Warriors pile in on the Tau and what once looked promising suddenly takes a turn for the worst, as they take down the Crisis Suit and leave the Shas'El on her own.  This is so not good.

Then Lady D assaults.  I overwatch, get a wound... and she FAILS HER SHADOW FIELD ROLL.

The lights of angels feel like they fell on me, and I perk up.

Then she challenges.

Oh.  Badness.

So, I accept.  With the Master of Ordinance.

Who gets plowed.

Vasily makes the morale check though.

Picture Caption: Is it... possible?  Lady D might go down?

Turn 4: IG
Shas'El Sha'shera scowled, shutting off another one of the alarms on her HUD.  She swung again, but the spiked aliens were so fast.  Faster than Kroot.  Faster than anything she had dealt with before.  A few more of their blades ran over her Irridium Armor and she gave thanks to Bri'ar'eos for suggesting that she keep the heavy armor on her suit. 

She should be afraid, she told herself, that is what a proper Tau would feel.  Close combat was not the way of the Tau'n.  It was alien.  It was wrong.  But by all the Ancients did it feel GOOD.  She smiled to herself as she kicked out, hitting one of the creatures and almost flattening its chest. 

Then her HUD went dark and she realized one of the aliens was on top of her.  More warning klaxons blared out and she realized they were swarming her.  Snarling, she twirled, trying to get them off, but she felt her suit twist and she realized she was knocked down.  Her HUD flickered to life, and she saw them cutting open her cockpit.  It would be moments before they pried it open. 

She tore at her controls, but nothing was happening.  Too much damage, too much everything.  How had she allowed things to spiral out of control.  Damn her feelings, her emotions.  How could she ever have fooled herself into thinking that these Mon'Keigh were worth helping?  Now she was going to die, at best, and maybe even tortured and debased.

She frowned.  Not if she could help it.  Flipping a few switches, she set her reactor core to overload.  That would teach the foul creatures.  She paused, feeling her heart beat almost out of her chest.  There was no going back.  No seeing anyone ever again.  All she had to do was push the button and...

Suddenly, there were screams, and the Xenos fell away.  A blade whipped through the air, and the Xenos went down in a flurry of blood and violence.  More screams.  And then silence.

A monacled Mon'Keigh face appeared in her HUD, seeming to fill up all the world.

"Well, Tau?  Are you going to stay on your back forever or are you going to make yourself useful?"
The cuckoos walk in.  I... don't have anything meaningful for them to do, so put them on the far right side, trying to stay out of trouble.
Bremen gets closer to the DE objective.
Lady Saigo moves around, looking for a charge at the last Raider.  I move the Baron closer to the big Warrior brawl.

Shooting?  What's that?  I mean, I'm just playing an Imperial Guard army :)

The Baron enters the Warrior brawl, and they just can't hurt the Stormtroopers with their carapace armor.  The Baron goes completely OTT and shears a handful of the Warriors away.  The remaining Warriors run off the board.

And Vasily?  Lady D downs two Guardsmen.  She must be taking her time.  Vasily opens up and clocks her in the face.  She takes a wound.  Uh... one more to go?

Picture Caption: Baron!  Stop being so badass!  This is drama here!

Turn 5: DE
Vasily Romanov ran at Lady D'ysperax, screaming at the top of his lungs.  He swung at her with his sword, but missed as she elegantly dodged to the side.  It took Vasily a moment to turn around, but saw the Archon simply sheath her sword as the two Guardsmen behind her turned to ash.

"Oh come now Poppet.  A sword?  Really?  Against me?  I've been dueling better swordsmen for ages.  Literally.  And you think you can best me?  I'm almost impressed with your confidence.  So what do you say?  Do we do this the quick and easy way, or do I have to work on them sewing you back together?  Not that I'd really mind that..."

Vasily paused.  He couldn't beat her.  That much was true.  She was a monster.  An unbeatable monster.  Everything that the Imperium could throw at her would not work.  She had seen everything, expected everything.  Nothing he could...

And then an idea hit him.

He dropped his sword.

Lady D'ysperax raised an eyebrow as Vasily walked forwards.

"Oh, poppet?  What is this?  Hand to hand?  Brawling like common thugs?  You might stand more of a chance, but..."

"Shut up."

Vasily grabbed Lady D'ysperax by the waist and kissed her.

The Archon felt her eyes go wide in surprise, and then returned the gesture, working her tongue into his mouth and rubbing herself against his body.  She had won.  Poppet was hers.  Everything was right now.

And that was when the first stab went into her back.  She tried to turn away, but Vasily held her tighter, pulling out the shard of shrapnel that he had dug out of Temperance's wound.  He thrust it in again, and Lady D'ysperax let out a soft, almost orgasmic laugh. 

Gripping the Archon, he stabbed her again and again, not stopping until his own fingers were too raw and bloodied to continue.  He let her go, and she fell to the ground, looking up at him.

"Good...  Good work, Poppet.  I... I've taught you well.  And if only...  only I was the... original..."

And then Lady D'ysperax, Archon of the Wicked Talon, died.

The Raider and VRB throw more fire at Bremen's squad again.  I'm really, really getting low on Vets, but they still make their morale check.

And on to Lady D's combat...

She rolls for her attacks and gets... three wounds.

Oh damn.  I only have three guys left.

Both of the vets go poof and I look at Vasily's die.

I need a 5+.

I roll it.  And BAM.  5.

Good enough.

I roll back, get two (!) wounds.  Lady D fails one.




Picture Caption: No more captions.  None needed.

Turn 5: IG
Lady Saigo charges in and wrecks the Raider.  Bremen runs onto the DE objective.

Picture Caption: SAIGO!

Right now, things are only up at the moment if Bremen holds the objective.  Otherwise, it's a tie.  (First blood and Slay Warlord vs. Slay Warlord and Linebreaker)

Turn 6: DE/IG
The Dark Eldar shoot Bremen's squad down to just the King himself, but he passes morale.

... Suddenly, that downed Raider has a lot more significance.

I take some potshots at the Fliers, but really, what are the chances of anything happening?  A: Not good.

Picture Caption: ... It's good to be the king.  Sorry, couldn't help it.

Thankfully the game ends.

Result: IG VICTORY!!!  (Yes, really)

Post-Game Thoughts:
Wow, just... wow.  I have never been beaten up this bad.  Surely not with Vasily.  I lost so, so much and I don't know what I should have/would have done differently.  And Lady D... I...  I still can't believe what happened.  I'm very impressed with everything that went on, and I...  I don't think anything is going to be better than this.  Perhaps it's time for the Guard to retire?  Or at least... take a break.  Throne knows they've earned it.

Epilogue I

Some Time Later
"Commander Vasily Romanov, ~sir!  Breakfast time!"

Vasily moaned a bit, rustling under the covers.  Was it daylight already?  He poked his head out and saw the smiling face of Temperance Windsor-Smith.

Or rather...  Temperance Romanov.

He was still getting used to that.  But it was a good thing.

She smiled back at him, whipping off the covers that acted as his makeshift fortress against the harrows of another day.

Another blissfully, BORING day.

He whistled to himself as he sat down at the breakfast table.  Tems was putting something that was fried and vaguely edible in front of him.  He cut off a piece and chewed it. 

Leather.  Soft leather.  Tems hadn't changed a bit.  At least there were condiments this time.

He could tell her that he didn't like it, but that might take the smile off her face, and he wouldn't do that.  Not for everything in the world.

"Another day at the Scholasta?"

Vasily nodded, "Sadly enough.  I'm going over the history of Armageddon.  Fairly straightforward enough.  Action, adventure, tragedy."

Temperance bent down over him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.  Vasily noticed the hiss of her artifical lung was less today.  The techpriests must have been adjusting it for the better.  With a little luck, she'd be back to her old form soon.

"Do you ever miss it?" Tems asked dreamily, "The fighting?  The shooting?  The glory?"

Vasily looked up at her.

"Not for all the credits in the world.  Now, you'd better hurry, I think Katya is coming by to pick you up.  You know she doesn't like to wait."

Temperance laughed, "No, she doesn't."

"Nor does she like being ignored."

Temperance and Vasily looked up to see the only slightly scowling face of the Ex-Lord Commissar standing in the doorway.  She sat down at the table, and smirked slightly when she noticed that Tems brought out another plate.

Vasily nodded at her and Katya nodded in return, throwing him one of her rare smiles, hidden between her fingers.  It had taken a lot of bargaining, bribery and whatnot, but Katya was worth it.  He shrugged.  It wasn't all that unusual.  And if the Eccliarchy was rueful at him making her Mrs. Katarina Vaskov-Romanov, then...  Well, then they can get stuffed.

A good enough ending to any story, he thought to himself.  Good enough indeed.

Epilogue 2
Lady D'ysperax walked along the hall of her warship, whistling to herself.  It was another good day of raiding.  Nothing seemed to darken her mood, and then she stopped as she passed by one of her trophies.  A holopic.  Of Vasily Romanov.  She walked forward and cupped the air around it.  It had taken some talking for the Great Lord Vect to allow her to create a clone, although it's fate was as disastrous as they had warned her. 

But the actions that had come out of it were worth it.  The tragedy, the death, the overwhelming sense of loss.  So... glorious.  Better than she could have hoped for.  She shook her head.  It was a good love.  Best to put it behind her. 

Better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all...

Epilogue 3
Shas'O Sha'shera concluded her lecture.

"... And that is why the Greater Good can be brought to fruition with the aid of the Mon'Keigh.  Any questions?"

One of the Shas'la raised a head, "Shas'O, what of the strange red orb you mentioned in your report?"

Sha'shera shrugged, "Oh that little bauble?  We took it away when we left the planet.  I still use it as a paperweight to this day.  Kind of hums when you touch it.  I think it was some kind of child's toy.  The mysteries of the unknown are out there, Shas'la.  You just have to go out and explore them..."

Thank you all for reading!

It's been a great ride.

Now, how permanent this is... Well... there's always an encore if you all want it... :)


Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: Lord Sotek on October 27, 2012, 04:46:56 AM


I want to give this the masterful praise it deserves, but words have failed me.

Awe and a moment of reverent silence will have to suffice.
Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: Cammerz on October 27, 2012, 07:44:56 AM
I agree wholeheartedly with the above comment, but I feel I owe you feedback after such a fantastic finale.

I'll start with the battle itself because that's easier to comment on,
You were incredibly lucky to get all those reserves in on that turn (which I suppose makes up for the luck which saw your blob flee the field). The Baron should get an honourable mention, continuing to be extra badass at all times. But really he can't beat Vasily for that in this report. I can think on no way that I'd rather that combat ended.

And now the tricky bit,
The fluff here ranks amongst the all-time greatest. The entirety of the Vasily-Lady D part was brilliant, and I also really liked the Baron's fluff, both before and after the jump.I'm going to ask you now, as he didn't make the epilogue, can he return in whatever IG army you do in future (perhaps even replacing one of your unnamed Stormtrooper squads. I'm certain that it'll make them perform better as the only Stormtrooper unit that ever seems to do well is led by the Baron.(didn't he kill a Bloodthirster once?)
The last words of Lady D were chilling, but of course, he can never really leave us can she, not unless you can create a new antagonist who's both more evil, badass and surprisingly likeable at the same time (no mean feat, you did very well to come up with Lady D in the first place, if you ever do turn these things into a novel then she should certainly be the main villain, if you aren't too busy maybe you should give Black Library a call).

As for the epilogues;
1) I'm so unbelieveably glad that something has finally gone right for Vasily, but did I get this right? Has he married both of them?
2) So we'll still be seeing her again, she just needs to find a new toy/someone she wants to play with. Might I suggest Lorilune or Lady Jenna?
3) Sounds like somebody might be in for a bit of a nasty shock at some point. Is this hinting at a possible future storyline? We'll wait and see.

So there we have it, from his humble beginnings being transferred to the Vostroyan regiment that was attacked by Grumgutz, Vasily survived, dragging the unconscious forms of his commanding officer and a fearsome commissar with him after the battle. At one point he was captured by the Orks and met a young maiden who showed him the way to escape (only for it to be Lorilune who then organised the Orks to find the IG base). Vasily and Katarina went through a lot until finally, on the planet Auris, he took command of a regiment commanded by a Praetorian brother and sister, Reg and Tems. He's been scared shitless on multiple occasions, fighting Orks, Necrons, other Imperial forces due to unfortunate misunderstandings (like an Ork Kommando getting into the comms room and pretending that he and Vasily were allies) and a whole host of others. And then he met Lady D'ysperax, and things got a whole lot worse. And we all now know how it ends.

Cheers Bigtoof, for this fantastic and memorable set of characters.

Job's a good un!
Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: Rej on October 28, 2012, 06:04:00 AM
Great ending to a great story line! I'm so happy for Vasily!

I'm not sure how long happiness lasts though.

I really want Lady D to come back! It was a great report, very suspense-ful.
Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: BigToof on October 30, 2012, 01:34:42 PM
Dear All,
Thank you all for the very kind comments!
I feel like it is an end of an era...
But, perhaps the beginning of a new one?

Quote from: Isaac Baraqiel on October 27, 2012, 04:46:56 AM


I want to give this the masterful praise it deserves, but words have failed me.

Awe and a moment of reverent silence will have to suffice.

Thank you for the kind comment!
I really enjoyed writing this one, and I'm glad you liked it as well :)
I'm not sure I could live up to the quality of this work in the next rep, but I'll try...

I'm a little sad that Vasily and the girls have gone out for the moment without one of your great sketches, but I can only hope for the future...  (love 'em btw, the sketches that is)

Quote from: Cammerz on October 27, 2012, 07:44:56 AM
I agree wholeheartedly with the above comment, but I feel I owe you feedback after such a fantastic finale.

I'll start with the battle itself because that's easier to comment on,
You were incredibly lucky to get all those reserves in on that turn (which I suppose makes up for the luck which saw your blob flee the field). The Baron should get an honourable mention, continuing to be extra badass at all times. But really he can't beat Vasily for that in this report. I can think on no way that I'd rather that combat ended.

And now the tricky bit,
The fluff here ranks amongst the all-time greatest. The entirety of the Vasily-Lady D part was brilliant, and I also really liked the Baron's fluff, both before and after the jump.I'm going to ask you now, as he didn't make the epilogue, can he return in whatever IG army you do in future (perhaps even replacing one of your unnamed Stormtrooper squads. I'm certain that it'll make them perform better as the only Stormtrooper unit that ever seems to do well is led by the Baron.(didn't he kill a Bloodthirster once?)
The last words of Lady D were chilling, but of course, he can never really leave us can she, not unless you can create a new antagonist who's both more evil, badass and surprisingly likeable at the same time (no mean feat, you did very well to come up with Lady D in the first place, if you ever do turn these things into a novel then she should certainly be the main villain, if you aren't too busy maybe you should give Black Library a call).

As for the epilogues;
1) I'm so unbelieveably glad that something has finally gone right for Vasily, but did I get this right? Has he married both of them?
2) So we'll still be seeing her again, she just needs to find a new toy/someone she wants to play with. Might I suggest Lorilune or Lady Jenna?
3) Sounds like somebody might be in for a bit of a nasty shock at some point. Is this hinting at a possible future storyline? We'll wait and see.

So there we have it, from his humble beginnings being transferred to the Vostroyan regiment that was attacked by Grumgutz, Vasily survived, dragging the unconscious forms of his commanding officer and a fearsome commissar with him after the battle. At one point he was captured by the Orks and met a young maiden who showed him the way to escape (only for it to be Lorilune who then organised the Orks to find the IG base). Vasily and Katarina went through a lot until finally, on the planet Auris, he took command of a regiment commanded by a Praetorian brother and sister, Reg and Tems. He's been scared shitless on multiple occasions, fighting Orks, Necrons, other Imperial forces due to unfortunate misunderstandings (like an Ork Kommando getting into the comms room and pretending that he and Vasily were allies) and a whole host of others. And then he met Lady D'ysperax, and things got a whole lot worse. And we all now know how it ends.

Cheers Bigtoof, for this fantastic and memorable set of characters.

Job's a good un!

Hi Cammerz,
Thanks for this great reply.
Vasily really has grown, matured and now, perhaps, has finally gotten a measure of satisfaction out of life.  How long it lasts?  That's... harder to say.

Indeed, Vasily did take the "Tenchi Solution" and marry both of the girls.  As you can imagine, it might cause... some problems with the Eccliarchy, but it'll be worth it (hopefully).  I'm sure Tems and Katya are happier this way...

Lady D has not left, but perhaps out of Vasily's life for the moment.  A chapter has been turned so to speak.  I think we're not done with her yet though...

The Orb may be a hook later.  Not immediately perhaps, but still out there.

As for the Baron and Lady Saigo and the Cuckoos, their stories aren't done yet.  They'll be back in some form.  Perhaps in their own stories as leads?  (If people want it...)

Thanks for the wrap-up for Vasily too.  I think you've been with the series the full ride, and I'm glad I could provide such a legacy :)

Quote from: Rej on October 28, 2012, 06:04:00 AM
Great ending to a great story line! I'm so happy for Vasily!

I'm not sure how long happiness lasts though.

I really want Lady D to come back! It was a great report, very suspense-ful.

Hi Rej,
Thank you for the kind comment.  You want Lady D back?

Well... we'll have to see...

Perhaps not against Vasily though, the man needs a bit of rest.

How long?  Again, depends on demand.  Or you know, surprises later :)


Thank you all again for the comments.
Feedback is really what helps me make decisions and define the series.
Without your support, I wouldn't be making these series, and I really appreciate your words.

If any of you would like to suggest how the series should continue, a new series, or any ideas for the future, I'm all ears...

Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: Cammerz on October 30, 2012, 02:31:02 PM
To be honest BT, I think you should just leave it there with Vasily. He's had a great run and a fantastic final chapter, so I don't think we should see him return except maybe just in the fluff of other character's reports.

If you want a suggestion as to what you can do next, maybe your next IG army should be led by a company command squad with carapace armour, two veterans get meltaguns, and the commander has a power sword (If you know what I mean). By doing this, you could keep a number of existing units who haven't retired yet.

A different idea (because I just love making army lists), you could get a CCS with carapace armour and a load of carapace veterans with shotguns, plus various other units, to make an Adeptus Arbites force. That would certainly be something new and have a completely different playstyle as you wouldn't have a blob.

And as I think I mentionned either earlier in this report or in a PM, Lady D should find somebody else who interests her, my two suggestions being Lorilune or Lady Jenna (because those two characters would react to her advances in very different ways to Vasily).

But as we've had this fantastic IG report, perhaps the next one should be DE or Orks so we can get a very different stlye of writing (I'm not sure I could cope with another report like this one for a little while, we need a humourous one next).
Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: Rej on October 31, 2012, 12:25:17 AM
Quote from: Cammerz on October 30, 2012, 02:31:02 PM
To be honest BT, I think you should just leave it there with Vasily. He's had a great run and a fantastic final chapter, so I don't think we should see him return except maybe just in the fluff of other character's reports.

I've got to agree here, seeing him mentioned in other fluff would be cool, as a well renown hero, warrior etc haha.

Seeing the Barons story continue as some form of personal quest would be pretty cool.

And I'd love to see some more of Lady Jenna, I enjoy that so much as well.
Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: BigToof on November 01, 2012, 09:47:16 PM
Quote from: Cammerz on October 30, 2012, 02:31:02 PM
To be honest BT, I think you should just leave it there with Vasily. He's had a great run and a fantastic final chapter, so I don't think we should see him return except maybe just in the fluff of other character's reports.

If you want a suggestion as to what you can do next, maybe your next IG army should be led by a company command squad with carapace armour, two veterans get meltaguns, and the commander has a power sword (If you know what I mean). By doing this, you could keep a number of existing units who haven't retired yet.

A different idea (because I just love making army lists), you could get a CCS with carapace armour and a load of carapace veterans with shotguns, plus various other units, to make an Adeptus Arbites force. That would certainly be something new and have a completely different playstyle as you wouldn't have a blob.

And as I think I mentionned either earlier in this report or in a PM, Lady D should find somebody else who interests her, my two suggestions being Lorilune or Lady Jenna (because those two characters would react to her advances in very different ways to Vasily).

But as we've had this fantastic IG report, perhaps the next one should be DE or Orks so we can get a very different stlye of writing (I'm not sure I could cope with another report like this one for a little while, we need a humourous one next).

Hi Cammerz,
Yes, I was feeling the same way with Vasily, but not sure if others were feeling the same way too...
The Baron isn't done by a long shot, so don't worry, we'll be seeing him again.
You want the Baron as a commader?

Well I suppose anything is possible.  Will have to try out a few builds though.
Something amusing next?  Or at least not so much drama?

I think I may have a rep in mind :)

Quote from: Rej on October 31, 2012, 12:25:17 AM
Quote from: Cammerz on October 30, 2012, 02:31:02 PM
To be honest BT, I think you should just leave it there with Vasily. He's had a great run and a fantastic final chapter, so I don't think we should see him return except maybe just in the fluff of other character's reports.

I've got to agree here, seeing him mentioned in other fluff would be cool, as a well renown hero, warrior etc haha.

Seeing the Barons story continue as some form of personal quest would be pretty cool.

And I'd love to see some more of Lady Jenna, I enjoy that so much as well.

Hi Rej,
Another vote for more Baron, so that'll definitely be showing up eventually.

And Jenna sooner than later?
I'll put her on the cue.

Good to hear from you again, and I'm glad that the "final" chapter sat well with people.

I was half expecting for people to be demanding the 1st Auric's sad demise or something :)

Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: Masked Thespian on April 26, 2013, 11:50:22 AM
Rep, for a glorious end to Vasily's adventures (and possibly also because he ended up with Temperance   ;) ).
Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: Railgun Convention on April 26, 2013, 01:56:17 PM
Quote from: Masked Thespian on April 26, 2013, 11:50:22 AM
Rep, for a glorious end to Vasily's adventures (and possibly also because he ended up with Temperance   ;) ).
I was gonna point out the threadnomancy (oh, wait.), but that's worth it.
Title: Re: 1st Auric Battalion vs. Lady D'ysperax in "The Mighty Shall Fall" (1500, 10/18)
Post by: BigToof on April 27, 2013, 12:02:36 AM
Huh, I wonder why someone's gone to the trouble of reviving one of my old reps I...



(cue 'Toof falling over with an aneurysm.  Short hospital stay later, back at the computer.)

Thanks very much for the karma, I really do appreciate it, and I did like this end for Vasily and co.  I'm glad it was so well received, as it just sort of rolled out of my head with little encouragement.

Part of why writing reps is so much fun is the encouragement from appreciative readers.

Thanks again!