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WAARGH! Grumgutz and Friends vs. NEW Ultramarines in "Wishes and Fishes" (1500)

Started by BigToof, September 17, 2013, 02:56:59 AM

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WAARGH! Grumgutz and Friends vs. NEW Ultramarines in "Wishes and Fishes" (1500)

Hi All,
No, this isn't an imaginary post, it's real!
I'm actually back with another battle.
The last weeks have not been kind to 'Toof and the general doldrums of life have taken over to the point when I thought that I couldn't bear to play, much less write 40k anymore.
But, in all of that unbearable feeling of meaningless, I realized I needed an Ork injection.
Why?  Because, nothing brings a smile to my face like my favorite green hooligans going over and beating face.
Or failing spectacularly.  Either way, it's all good.
And I managed to wrangle up a new game with someone who brought ULTRAMARINES to the table.
It was... an interesting build, rife with the new grav weapons and also with some of the newer/upgraded models.
I brought my usual Greenskins with not much new except that I put the Tau in to help with shooting things (Orks need some help with that it seems).
So, without spoiling too much, enjoy!


P.S.  Comments greatly appreciated!  They help give a warm feeling of satisfaction to this old dog :)

The Lists

WAARGH! Grumgutz and Friends (AKA Da Torkz!) (1500pts): 49 Infantry, 2 Vehicles, 1 MC, 2 Artillery; 11 VPs
Da Orkz!
-Warlord Grumgutz Bitzgrabber (Warboss w/Warbike, PK, Cybork)
-Warboss BigToof w/MegaArmor, Cybork
-Da Big Five (Nobzx5 w/PK, W!Banner, Bosspole, Dok Choppa, Cyborks)
-Grotzx10 w/Runtherd Zogwog
-Battlewagon w/Ram, Big Shoota
Dem Weedy Fish'Eads
-Shas'O Sha'shera w/Plasma Rifle, Fusion Blaster, IArmor, PChip, MSS
-Riptide w/Ion Accelerator, TL-Fusion Blaster, EWO
-Broadsidesx2 w/TL-HMP, TL-SMS, Velocity Tracker

Ultramarines (1500pts): 20 Infantry, 1 Vehicle, 1 Artillery, 1 Fortification; 8VPs
Captain Excelsior Maximus w/Bike, Burning Blade, Artificer Armor, Storm Shield, Auspex, Meltabomb
Command Squad w/Bikes, Storm Shields, Combi-Gravguns, Power Axesx2, Power Swordsx2, Apothecary
Librarian Sigmund Novenus w/Bike, Mastery 2, Shield Eternal
Stormraven w/TL-Lascannon, TL-Multimelta, Stormstrike Missiles
Centurionsx3 w/TL-Lascannon, Missile Launcher, Omniscope
Thunderfire Cannon
Bastion w/Icarus Lascannon


Chapter Two: When You Wish Upon a Star...

Warboss BigToof was in the doldrums.  Which was the fancy word for being sad, or so he was told.  His best friend Big Louie had gone off with some other blokes and now there was no-one for him to be friends with.  Big Mek Wingnut had been building things for Warlord Grumgutz and all of the other Orks were doing important things.  Sometimes it felt like nothing was going to make his heart light again.  Granted, there was krumpin' once in a while, but crackin' a few heads wasn't much compared to having a good friend.  Sitting alone in the dark, he scanned the skies and felt his ears perk up when he saw a shining star.

"A Wishin' Star!"

The big Ork screwed up his eyes tight so hard that he thought they were going to pop out of his head as every neuron tried to feebly bounce around his skull.  Thinking was something that didn't come natural to some Orks and to BigToof it was as foreign as bathing.

"I...  I wish...  I wish I had a bestest friend!  One dat we could go on walkies and talk and...  Oh, yeah.  And dat we could go krumpin' and stuff with!"

He waited and looked around, but nothing much happened.  Some wishin' star, he thought and was about to waddle off before he noticed that the star was oddly getting larger...


"I dare say, Sigmund, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into!"

Librarian Sigmund Novenus tried not to say anything as the bridge of the battle barge shook from enemy fire.  He looked up at his commander, Captain Excelsior Maximus, who was trying to keep himself upright.  The Ultramarines 6th Company wasn't even supposed to be in this sector of space.  It was Maximus who thought it was a splendid idea to impress their guests with a visit to one of the outer worlds.  However, it seemed that authority had a rather reliable tendency to rewrite history.

"Captain Maximus, this is not the time to..."

"Quite right Sigmund, we'll figure out how best to write this up later.  Ah, it seems that those Greenskins have given up the chase!  Can't handle a proper little jaunt, can they?"

Novenus struggled against the impulse to roll his eyes.  A "jaunt" wasn't what he would call turning around and going full burn while dumping the contents of their cargo bays.  Something about the order though, bothered him.

"Sir, wasn't something being moved to the cargo..."

"Details, Sigmund, details.  I'm sure that nothing of importance was lost.  We'll be just fine."


Shas'O Sha'shera was trying her best to not think about the planet beneath them.  The temperature warnings were already going off on her suit, but that was bound to happen when you were trying to jury-rig together a damaged Kroot Warsphere while falling through the atmosphere of an alien planet.  She wasn't sure if it was malice or incompetence that caused her entire envoy to be jettisoned into a warzone, but if she had guess, competence wasn't something that she had usually associated with Captain Excelsior Maximus. 

Still, burning up on entry was a better fate than another one of his incorrigible dinner meetings.  If she was a younger Tau...  Well, when she was a younger Tau, she had exploded his bike out from under him, but apparently amongst the Astartes this was considered tolerable, if not understandable.
So it was that she was saddled with trying to bring Imperial relations closer to something resembling peace.

At times it seemed a futile gesture to a society whose basic tenants included "Purge the Alien," but small steps could one day add up to great leaps.  Or so it might if they survived all of this...

BigToof ran over to his Wishin' Star.  It had taken him a lot more minutes than he had fingers to count, but he had finally caught up with it.  Funny, he thought that stars were less supposed to be metal, and more like fairies and what-not, but who was he to judge?  He just had to see what was inside!

Starting up his Power Klaw, he slammed it into the side and started whistling a tune as he tore into the "star."  There was a hiss as the metal started to give way, and with a sharp tug, a good sized plate came spiralling off.  A few stirring forms rose up, and BigToof grabbed one and held it tight.

"Ooh!  Fish'Eads!  Ya done good, Wishin' Star!  Now I's got my own Fish'Eads to play with!  We'z gonna be the bestest of frineds, you and I!"

Shas'O Sha'Shera had no idea as to what was going on.  Perhaps it was hallucinations induced from re-entry trauma, but her mind couldn't have come up something as pungent smelling as this.

Orks.  She was surrounded by Orks.

Or rather... An Ork.  She had to choose her words carefully.

"Gr...  Greetings, I come..."

"From Da Wishin' Fairy?!"

Sha'Shera paused.  That wasn't where she was going, but why let that stop a good thing?

"Ah, yes.  Yes.  Now...  Can you escort me and my companions to..."

"You gots more in dere?!  Haha, I's a lucky Ork today!"

"Y...  Yes, you are.  Now, if we could..."

"Right!  Not to worry bestest friend, we is gonna have fun times all da time.  Just you wait!"

As the massive Ork widened the hole in the Warsphere, Sha'shera couldn't help but think that there was something familiar about the entire affair.  But, that would be another time.  After all, what was the worst that could happen?

Mission: Emperor's Will (2 objectives)
Setup: Dawn of War (Night Fight OFF)
Terrain: The usual Ruins, Trees and Rocks
Psychic: Librarian: Hallucination (!), Terror (!!)

Pre-Game Thoughts: Huh, so now, this is an interesting list.  Rock hard bike unit that is probably the most blinged-out thing I've seen in quite some time.  Probably nastier than Da Big Five, sad to say.  Still, they're just Marines on Bikes, and I do have a lot of Dakka.  I have no idea what the Centurions are, and for some reason, everyone is gushing over the Thunderfire Cannon.  Those things were more like paperweights last edition, so I'll have to keep an eye on it.  The Stormraven is going to be annoying, but thankfully there's only one of them.
In short, this looks like a good fight, with one nasty Deathstar.  Have to see how it works out!


Setup: My opponent wins the roll to deploy first and surprises me when he puts his Bastion in one corner about 6 or so inches from the back and side.  That's... not what I was expecting.  Deployment goes pretty smoothly, with one god sized ruin on my side opposite the Bastion and a few more decent pieces scattered around.  His objective goes next to his Bastion, and I put mine opposite.  It looks like the left side of the board is going to see all the action.

The Ultramarines deploy with the Centurions on the battlements of the Bastion with a unit of Scouts inside.  The Captain, Librarian and Command Squad go to near the center in some trees and the Thunderfire Cannon goes to the right.  The Stormraven goes in reserves with another unit of Scouts inside.

I decide to put the Battlewagon to the left opposite the Bastion, but turned so that side armor won't be targetable by the Stormraven if it comes in.  I put Grumgutz and the Bikers to the far left, where there's a narrow alleyway between the ruin and the left side of the board.  BigToof and the Lootas go in the Wagon.  The Riptide goes in the ruin behind the Wagon, and the Shas'O with her Broadsides go on the roof.  I put the Grotz, Kroot and Lobbas in reserve.

I fail to seize and the game begins!

Picture Caption: This is either entirely brilliant or horribly moronic.  I suppose I will have to see!
BigToof Points:

Cammerz: 8
Waaaghpower: 1
The Man They Call Jayne: 3
Mabbz: 6
Archon Sharrek: 3



Librarian Sigmund Novenus shook his head.  It had taken a good deal of effort to convince the Captain to deploy a scouting team to try and look for the missing Tau.  Even though he entirely denied it, the obvious reluctance to encounter the Ork Warlord Grumgutz Bitzgrabber spoke volumes.

Even though he knew no fear, Novenus knew it when he saw it.  And the Captain hiding in the trees, despite wearing bright blue armor, was certainly something of note.

"Sigmund!  Stay down!"

Novenus sighed and hunkered down more on his Bike.  He disliked the two-wheeled vehicle, but knew that without his continued presence, there was little chance of the mission continuing. Still, there was more than even chance of them succeeding.  The Orks hadn't noticed them yet, and they were within striking distance of their main encampment.  He checked the Auspex again.  The distress signal from the Tau was still functional and was moving.  Although there were less savory options, Novenus had to assume that the Tau were still alive.  The Warlord had the unusual habit of capturing and interrogating prisoners rather than putting them to the axe.  Novenus only hoped that the Tau had, in some way, caught the creature's eye.


"One lump or two?"

Shas'O Sha'Shera tried not to look too long at the half-broken mug in front of her.  It was filled with some kind of steaming dark liquid with rather distasteful looking lumps bobbing to the top like bloated corpses.  Which, given the company, it was quite possible.

The large Ork, whose name she had learned was "BigToof," was seating at an almost round table with a number of dishes and cups that were in various staes of disrepair.  A large pot was in the center filled with more of the rater odious looking brew.  Sha'Shera had heard of such things amongst the Imperium, but this was certainly the most unusual tea party she had ever been a part of.

"Er... One?" she proffered and then immediately regretted it as a half-rotted looking grey-green glob was spooned out of a jar and into her cup.  She noticed with some trepidation that it didn't so much dissolve as curdle.

"Ain't ya gonna try it?  I done made it up special for you, my bestest of best friends!"

Sha'Shera looked up at the expectant Ork.  She glanced back at her fellow Tau, many of whom looked at her with a kind of grave determination normally reserved for suicide runs.  Perhaps she could try some kind of excuse, but the Ork was too dim-witted to recognize any subtle distractions.  Still, it could be worse.  Luckily, she had run into he leader of the WAARGH!, otherwise who knew what kind of...

There was a rumbling that shook the ground and all of the Orks looked up.  The forest next to them seemed to fill with smoke as plumes of exhaust began to fill the camp.

BigToof shot up with glee, clapping his hands, and thankfully spilling the noxious snackery in every direction.

"Da Boss is 'ere!"

All of the Orks shouted and shot their weapons in the air.  Sha'shera frowned.  Something was wrong.

"Uh...  Begging your pardon, BigToof, but aren't you the 'Boss'?"

BigToof nodded, "Yup, I's da Boss o' dis here lot, but I ain't da Boss of 'em all!"

Sha'shera swallowed.  Things had just gotten more complicated indeed.

"Then who is..."

A familiar laughter echoed through the camp, and an enormous red bike broke through the smog on a turbo-induced trail of flame, popping a wheelie and smashing a few Grotz to paste on landing.  The huge Ork astride the war machine dwarfed even BigToof, and let off a war cry as he let go with the Dakkaguns on his bike.

Sha'Shera felt a shudder run down her spine and whispered, "Grumgutz."

Warlord Grumgutz Bitzgrabber swung in his seat to look at BigToof and the Tau.  He snorted and said, "Oi!  BigToof, what's dis here?  You done got some Fish'Eads here!"

BigToof nodded vigorously, almost unbalancing himself in his MegaArmor, "Yup!  Da Wishin' Fairy done sent 'em, Boss!  Ain't dey fancy?  Dis here's da Head Fishy.  Head Fishy, dis is da Boss."

Sha'Shera bowed and said, "It...  It is an honor to..."

"'Ey.  I know dis one.  Last time we done met, you killed a lotta my Boyz."

All of the Orks grew closer and gave Sha'Shera grave looks.  Many of them brought their choppas closer.  Sha'Shera swallowed.  The last time she ahd met Grumgutz, she was a young Shas'O, barely tempered and headstrong.  She had killed many an Ork.  If the Greenskin leader did want vengeance, it would take very little for him to carry it out.


Grumgutz laughed, cutting her off, "Right good scrap it was too.  You got a fancy Fish Name too, if I remember right."

Sha'Shera nodded.  Things were... getting interesting.  "Yes, I am Shas'O Sha'Shera of the Sept Tau'n.  I..."

"Oooo!  Oooo!"

Sha'Shera looked to her right at the noise and saw Warboss BigToof bouncing ungainly from one leg to the oher while raising his hand.

Grumgutz looked at BigToof and raised an eyebrow, "Whatzit?"

Satisfied, BigToof put his arm down, "Can I keep her Boss?  She's smart like Louie and we'z gonna be the best of friends!"

"Really now?" Grumutz looked back at Sha'Shera with an intensity that the Shas'O wasn't used to seeing in an Ork.  "And what's you say to dat, Fish'Ead?"

Sha'Shera bit her lip.  Surrounded by Orks on a distant planet with no hope of salvation.  There was no choice.  And with some luck, maybe the Greater Good could be one day served in some way.  Yes, she thought, and in the same line of thought, if you surrounded a Kroot with vegetables, they would give up that little cannibalism thing altogether.

"I...  think that would be an acceptable..."


Sha'Shera winced slightly as she was lifted into the air and her Irridium armor grated against the Warboss' Mega-Armor.  Something wet and foul-smelling pressed against her head and it took her a shock-filled moment to realize that the big Ork had just kissed her.

"We'z gonna be da bestest buddies, ever!  Nobody gonna ever keep us apart!  We'z gonna be like two Grotz in a Squighound's belly!"

Wonderful, thought Sha'Shera.  At least she and her charges were alive.  The Greater Good did ask so much from her.  But, at least things couldn't possibly get worse.


Turn 1: Space Marines
Novenus blanched slightly as he watched the Tau and Ork exchange.  He heard mutterings from the Veterans around him.  The Tau must have great courage and fortitude indeed to endure such a torment.  Novenus thought about the possible courses of action when Maximus' voice shook him out of his reverie.

"Sigmund, did you see that?"

The Librarian nodded, "Yes, sir, I did.  It is a wonder that she is still..."

"That... That painted hussy!"

Novenus turned in his seat and looked at his Captain shaking in barely contained rage.

"How...  How dare she canoodle with those Greenskins!  After all I've done for her!  After all I've gone through!  And this is the way she repays me?"

Novenus sighed.  Certainly relagating the Tau to the furthest cargo bay and treating them like mewing children wasn't the most chivalrous of behavior, but he supposed that it depended on your point of view.

"Yes sir.  Now, we are to depart and ready the..."

"Depart?  Retreat?  Sigmund, you surprise me.  How can we take such a stain on our honour with such frivolity?"

"But... sir, the Warlord is still present.  Perhaps we could wait until..."

The Captain stood tall in his seat and Novenus realized that the entire situation was completely unsalvagable.

"No, Sigmund.  No.  Even though Gr... Grum...  that Ork happens to be there, we shall perservere!  Order the Stormraven forward, tell the Centurions to begin firing patterns!  The Ultramarines shall not be denied this day!"

So... yeah...
The Bike blob rolls out of the trees and one of the bikes fails a dangerous terrain test (even with FNP) and goes down.  That's... not a good sign.
The Thunderfire Cannon warms up, aiming at the Painboy, but it scatters off onto the top of the Battlewagon, not doing much.  The Centurions also fire at the Battlewagon, but can't seem to get through it's tough AV14 front.  The Scouts fire the Heavy Bolters to not much effect.  The Bikes measure out and for the most part, they're too far to really do anyhing.  Still a bit wary, they stretch out in the middle of the board, trying to invite a charge (I think that was the plan anyway?) and my opponent passes the turn to me.

Picture Caption: Wait... Nobody died?


Turn 1: Orkz
Warlord Grumgutz Bitzgrabber laughed as he watched the Beakies' puny dakka bounce off the Battlewagon.  Didn't they ever learn?

"BigToof!  Get yer Lootas on out dere!  And tell yer Fish'Ead to put dat Dakka down!"

"You got it Boss!" yelled back BigToof, giving his best salute and thus letting go of the rather shabbily made hangin'-on bar on the front of the Battlewagon.  Thus, when the massive machine ground to a sudden halt, the Mega-Armor laden Warboss went head over heels, pitched forward like a Space Hulk belched out of the Warp, and somehow landed more or less on his feet.  The Lootas, surprised at their Boss' sudden sort-of-charge, decided that following along was worth it, if only for the laffs.

Meanwhile, Shas'O Sha'shera shared glances with her fellow Tau.

"Shas'O?" said one of the Broadside Shas'Ui pilots, "Are we really going to fire upon the Space Marines?"

Sha'Shera frowned.  If they refused, it would be a grave decision that might turn deadly for her charges.  But, certainly there was some kind of loyalty to the Imperium that...


Sha'Shera looked up to see Captain Excelsior Maximus gesturing at her with an enormous blade that she could swear was actually on fire.

"You...  You dare act in such a perfidious manner!  You...  You scandalous Jezebel!  I can scarcely believe my eyes!  I treated you far too well!  Had I known that you perferred to be on your knees surrounded by filthy green meat, I would have thrown you out of the airlocks months ago!  Shame!  Shame thy name is woman!"

Sha'shera felt something long unbidden, yet familiar, crawl forth from her guts.

"Shas'Ui?  Ready all weapons to fire.  I've had enough of his prattle."


So those bikes are awful close.  Really close.
I do some quick math in my head and see the UTTER FOLLY that would be assaulting that deathstar with Da Big Five.
Still, there is some hope and well...  assaulting with the Lootas and BigToof would tie them up.  Potentially quite well.  I would have to weaken them up a bit first, but still, it might work.

So, I roll out BigToof and throw him and the Lootas out.  My opponent gives me this odd look, and just shrugs, figuring that I'm just going to use them as a roadblock.

But roadblock they are not!

Shooting has the Lootas pelt into Bikes, and they get 30 shots!  Maximus tries to absorb most of the shots, but a bike falls and the Captain hangs precariously on a single wound!
The Broadsides then add in their special flavour and the Captain uses LoS to deflect all of the shots onto the Command Squad, wiping them all out and earning First Blood.
The Shas'O, meanwhile, has joined the Riptide, who lets go a mighty S8 blast from his Ion Accelerator and more or less hits all of the Centurions with a cover ignoring blast.  My opponent checks and double checks their stats, but they have no invulnerable save!  Thus one bites the dust and the other takes a wound.
Grumgutz boosts forward, as it looks like things are fairly well taken care of.

My opponent tells me that he's going to fail his morale check, but I inform him that I'm pretty sure Chapter Tactics are actually quite different now.  A short check later and the Captain stands his ground (whether he wanted to or not).
BigToof ALMOST fails his four inch charge, but makes it in.  I challenge, hoping to pick up Warlord, but my opponent instead pushes out the Librarian, who it turns out, brought a Force Staff to a Mega-Armor fight.
Yeah...  So, BigToof puts a wound on the Libby, who, thanks to his fancy shield, manages to keep from becoming paste.  The Captain hews down a Loota before he is buried in green marauders, who give a propa krumpin' for Slay the Warlord.

Picture Caption: Charge or not to charge...  Is this even a question??

Turn 2: Space Marines
"Sigmund!!  Things are not going as pl..."

Novenus turned in his seat as he saw Maximus buried under a horde of Orks swinging their massive guns like clubs.  Things were indeed not going well at all.  Stll, they had a chance.  All he had to do was...

"Oi!  Beakie!  We'z gonna wrestle!"

Novenus turned his head back to see a rather excited looking mass of Ork and metal, blocking out the sun with his enormous bulk.  The Librarian swallowed as he reached out with his mind. Clearly drastic measures were indeed needed.

The Space Marines start with using Hallucinations on BigToof and his mob (aww...).  The power goes off without a hitch and the Orks decide to contemplate their navels instead of, you know, actualy fighting.

The Stormraven comes in and looks rather unhappily at the Nob Bikers.

The Raven and Centurions fire into the Bikers, but once again learn the folly of shooting at Da Big Five, who manage to tank the wounds fairly well, and only a few wounds go through.

The Thunderfire Cannon tries to help as well, but the Painboy gets away, but just barely.

Picture Caption: BigToof stopped in mid-thought.  I'm actually surprised he got that far.

Turn 2: Orkz
Scout Gallius Terminus of the 6th Company watched the incoming Orks with concern.  He hadn't been a scout for very long, and this was his first engagement with the Orks.  Strange.  They weren't the massive belching horde that he had been taught.  But, the Codex clearly stated that they fought in waves with little abandon to their own survival.  Individually, they were supposed to be of little threat.

Gallius watched a small group of Orks race forward on bikes and frowned as they somehow dodged the brace of Heavy Bolter fire thrown at them.  Perhaps they were sappers of some sort?

No, he thought, they didn't have any explosive looking weapons.

In fact, one of the bikes was separating from the rest and the Ork was raising his massive, crude Power Fist-like weapon.  Preposterous, he thought.  The Bastion was armored with hardened ceramite and adamantium plates.  Nothing short of a melta bomb was going to put a dent in it.  What was such a crude device supposed to...

And Gallius thought very little after the explosion.  After all, one can only have so many thoughts when buried under tons of ceramite and adamantium.

So... yeah...  The Kroot come in on the right and fire a bit at the Techmarine, but not doing too much.
Grotz walk into the Wagon.
Sha'Shera jumps over to the Broadsides, who fire and wreck the Stormraven, leaving a single Scout who survives Ion Accelerator and Big Shoota by diving deeper into his crater.

Grumgutz charges in and wrecks the Bastion.  Again, a single Scout survives as does a Centurion who had to leap quite a ways off the Battlements.
The Librarian slaps at BigToof, but his armor holds.

Picture Caption: Huh, that's the way the Bastion crumbles.

Turn 3: Space Marines
BigToof laughed.  It was great that Louie was back.  There she was, wearing her old-fashioned Ork getup and was enjoying herself with his tea party.  Everything was on the up and up.

Now, BigToof was an Ork of very little brain, but that brain realized when things didn't make sense.  And something certainly did not.  It started as an itch in the back of his head, and then rolled forward and up to the talkin' parts, which seemed to take better account of the wrong-ness of it all.

"Hey, Louie?  I thought you didn't like parties.  You said dat dey was fer ignor...  ignor... not-smart-folks."

The once Ex-Farseer Lorilune lookd up with a smile on her face.

"Now why would I ever say something like that BigToof?  You know I'm your best friend."

BigToof gasped and leaped to his feet.

"You.  Ain't.  Louie!!"

Throwing his hands up, the Ork rent the rather pleasant hallucination asunder much to the surprise of Sigmund Novenus who had a moment to consider things before BigToof grabbed his bike and threw it over the nearest patch of trees.

"Sneakie Beakies!" snorted the Warboss.  There was some things that you just didn't do.  Dem Beakies had no sense of proper-ness what-so-ever.


I can sense the desperation in my opponent as he pops Hallucination on the Nob Bikers, who sit there stunned.  The Techmarine fires his Cannon into the nearby Kroot, slaying almost half of them, but they hold.
The Centurion and Scout fire into the Bikers who quietly absorb the wounds.  To my surprise, they then assault!

My opponent tells me that the Centurion has some kind of drill, but this causes some dispute by the on-lookers.  A check later and err... no drill.  Thus, not much is done to the Bikers.
The Libby meets his unfortunate end by the way of a Power Klaw.

Picture Caption: Yeah... not the best planned of assaults.

Turn 3: Orks
Warboss BigToof was kind of confused.  Big Boss Grumgutz had been sitting there for quite some time while the hummies tried to smack him around.  It wasn't really working, but the Warlord wasn't fighting back.  Or doing anything.  Well, drooling a bit, but not much besides.  He knew he shouldn't get involved in another Ork's fight, but maybe he should do something?

Clanking forward, the heavily armored Ork spoke out in his politest of voices, "Uh... Boss?  You want me ta..."

"Die Foul Xenos Scum!"

The Beakie came whirling right at BigToof, who reflexively whipped up his hand.  Sadly, it was the hand with the Power Klaw, tearing the hummie almost in half.


BigToof looked at the Lootas, who just shrugged and went on to the much more profitable enterprise of "borrowing" bitz from the Nobz while they were sitting around making puddles on the ground.

The Warboss scraped the hummie bitz in front of the Warlord, trying to pile the odds and ends together to make it look sorta right.  Maybe Grumgutz wouldn't even notice...

I hop the Shas'O down to the Riptide, who then cleans up the Techmarine, making the Thunderfire Cannon kind of moot.
The Broadsides use their missiles and take apart the Scout hiding in the rubble.

And... BigToof waddles over and uses HEROIC INTERVENTION to slap the Centurion down.
The last surviving Scout decides to get out of dodge RIGHT NOW and falls back.
The Orks fail to catch him and he leaves the board.

And with that, nary a marine is left!



Post-Game Thoughts: So... yeah, that was kind of a one-sided victory.  I figured that the deathstar might fall to dakka, but when he threw it out for me to assault, I knew I had to try it.  And it totally worked out.  The Tau were massively good in offering up solid dakka that took care of everything that the Orks couldn't assault, and even though the Marines tried their new tricks, the Torkz pulled it out solidly.
My opponent made some questionable moves, but I put that up to the newness of the Codex.
I think the new Codex will be nicely competative once people work out the odds and ends, and I'll be waiting when that happens!
So... yes, the Orks are still viable.  Fun too.  Can't fault them for that.  If you want more of the Greenskins let me know!

Shas'O Sha'Shera watched the Orks waiting patiently around their leader, who was still mostly still.  Even though the other Orks had been pilfered down to the wheels on their bikes, Grumgutz had gone untouched.  She wasn't sure if that was more to the fear that he was faking the condition, or if that the Orks had some kind of loyalty to the Warlord.  In any case, she wasn't going to push anything.  Looking around, she spotted the enormous form of Warboss BigToof, and after a few moments of quiet meditation and contemplation, advanced forwards.

"Greetings, Warboss Big..."


BigToof grabbed the Shas'O in a massive hug and began to shake her violently while laughing.  Sha'Shera gritted her teeth and waited for the show of affection to stop.  When she felt the ground under her feet she looked up and saw the smiling Ork in her face.  At least he hadn't kissed her again.

"You done good, Fishy.  Real good!  I knew you could do it with dat Dakka!  Even da Boss is impr...  impra...  He's real happy 'bout dat."

Sha'Shera nodded, "Yes, indeed.  Now...  I have to return to my people and if you have any way to..."

Before she could continue, she found herself scooped up again and the massive Ork started shaking. Fearing that she was under attack, she readied her weapons...  and then heard sobbing?

"No, Fishy, no!  Please don't leave me!  I done lost all my bestest of friends!  Please don't leave!  I'll do anything ya want!"

Sha'Shera paused and then said, "Anything?"

The Ork put her on the ground and nodded vigorously, "You just name it Fishy, you done got it!"

Sha'Shera tried not to let a smile cross her face.  Possibilities indeed.  Perhaps there was a chance for the Greater Good after all...

BigToof Points:

Cammerz: 8
Waaaghpower: 1
The Man They Call Jayne: 3
Mabbz: 6
Archon Sharrek: 3


Nice to see you back BT, and it had been far too long since the last Grumgutz report so I'm really pleased with this one.

The fluff was magnificent as usual, a return to classic BigToof with your namesake and his friends. Maximus is another great returning character and I particularly like how the final centurion was just brushed off without a second thought.

It's almost a shame that we didn't see much of the new or improved beakies in action; the grav guns and the thunderfire cannon immediately springing to mind, I'd be interested to see how they fare on the battlefield this edition.

I remember the early days with Da Big Five, and how you dropped them because nobody wanted to play against them, looks like they're still krumping with the best of them all these years later.

So have you returned for good now? Or at least the forseeable future? I'm looking forward to seeing more battle reports, such as that Howling Banshee one, maybe a few different armies testing their metal against the new Marines.

Job's a good un!

The Man They Call Jayne

Excellent stuff all round. I wonder how much the tables will turn once people find all the vicious little combos in the SM dex. It has great potential.
Jaynes Awesome Card Counter: +5

Secondspheres Crash Card Counter +4


Sounds like a fun game!

I really liked his Captain but that 'deathstar' is just terrible. It would probably work if his meta still played third/fourth ed style fire power with say 10 ish high strength low ap weapons but not in todays meta of massed S7 firepower as it totally invalidates those storm shields and the extra toughness of the bikes.

In the name of coolness you should have totally charged his biker death star with yours though!  :P [I actually think youd win it too with a shot/charge]

He was lucky in a way too because he couldnt really have played any other mission besides kill points thanks to his very weak scoring.

I do like centurians with that kit though but they work much better as imperial fists thanks to tank hunters.

I think with Marines now we are going to see, White Scar Biker[Grav]Spam, Imperial Fist Centurian Spam or Air Force Spam.
Although I do like the idea of Salamanders with Vulkan in Pods backed up by Legion of the Damned.
X-Wing Tournaments;
1st - 38
11th - 33


Quote from: Cammerz on September 17, 2013, 11:42:30 AM
Nice to see you back BT, and it had been far too long since the last Grumgutz report so I'm really pleased with this one.

The fluff was magnificent as usual, a return to classic BigToof with your namesake and his friends. Maximus is another great returning character and I particularly like how the final centurion was just brushed off without a second thought.

It's almost a shame that we didn't see much of the new or improved beakies in action; the grav guns and the thunderfire cannon immediately springing to mind, I'd be interested to see how they fare on the battlefield this edition.

I remember the early days with Da Big Five, and how you dropped them because nobody wanted to play against them, looks like they're still krumping with the best of them all these years later.

So have you returned for good now? Or at least the forseeable future? I'm looking forward to seeing more battle reports, such as that Howling Banshee one, maybe a few different armies testing their metal against the new Marines.

Job's a good un!

Thank you for the very kind words Cammerz!
I'm sort of still intermittent mostly due to job-stuff that I hope will one day become less painful.
The Howling Banshee rep is still in the works, but time is at a real premium at the moment, sadly enough...

Quote from: The Man They Call Jayne on September 17, 2013, 02:27:15 PM
Excellent stuff all round. I wonder how much the tables will turn once people find all the vicious little combos in the SM dex. It has great potential.

Thanks Jayne,
I think once the SM book gets more time, people will find the real nasty bits.  Grav bikes look good, but not sure how they will stack up to Tau or Eldar or Helldrakes...

Quote from: Arguleon-veq on September 17, 2013, 06:23:37 PM
Sounds like a fun game!

I really liked his Captain but that 'deathstar' is just terrible. It would probably work if his meta still played third/fourth ed style fire power with say 10 ish high strength low ap weapons but not in todays meta of massed S7 firepower as it totally invalidates those storm shields and the extra toughness of the bikes.

In the name of coolness you should have totally charged his biker death star with yours though!  :P [I actually think youd win it too with a shot/charge]

He was lucky in a way too because he couldnt really have played any other mission besides kill points thanks to his very weak scoring.

I do like centurians with that kit though but they work much better as imperial fists thanks to tank hunters.

I think with Marines now we are going to see, White Scar Biker[Grav]Spam, Imperial Fist Centurian Spam or Air Force Spam.
Although I do like the idea of Salamanders with Vulkan in Pods backed up by Legion of the Damned.

Agreed on all points!

I think he hadn't played that much 6th, so was still in the 5th mindset with building.
The Centurians were pretty scary, but without Tank Hunter it's still shots my Wagon can ignore and my Bikers can tank.
Oddly enough, Orks and Nids will probably not mind grav all that much compared to most armies.  Dark Eldar too I guess...


Thank you all for the kind comments.  If you'd like anything specific in the near future let me know, otherwise I'll just go with whatever pops to mind :)

BigToof Points:

Cammerz: 8
Waaaghpower: 1
The Man They Call Jayne: 3
Mabbz: 6
Archon Sharrek: 3