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Light Infantry Contest 2013 [Rules]

Started by Narric, April 30, 2013, 10:53:11 PM

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For the most part, the Light Infantry are often the standard Troops. However, some are just more specialized at doing their job with less armour.

- Entries can be submitted via a PM to Narric (Me) from May 1st until June 22nd.
- Voting will take place from June 23rd until June 29th.
- Winners shall be announced on June 30th.

1st Place = Dice & £25 e-voucher to spend on products from Secret Weapon Miniatures
2nd Place = Dice

Along with Physical prizes, Award Seals will also be granted to the Top 3 Entrants.

And here is a picture of the Custom Second Sphere Dice up for grabs;

- A unit of Light Infantry may not be or include a Named Character
- It is preferred that the unit be Game-legal. This includes any Transports that the unit would normally be assigned.
- Up to Three Picture may be submit. You are limited to 800 x 600 pixels for picture dimensions.
- Depending on numbers, Voting may be split in Master and Novice tiers. This is decided by a panel of Judges, not a single person.
- All Models must be fully Painted.

For the purposes of this Contest, Light Infantry are classed as:
- Any Warhammer 40 Troops Choice, with a base Armour Save no higher (better) than a 3+
- Any Warhammer 40 Fast Attack Choice, with the Unit Type "Infantry" only.
- Any Warhammer Fantasy Core Choice, with a base Armour Save no higher (better) than a 5+
- Models from other games systems will be decided upon Me (Narric) receiving them via PM (you do have the right to challenge the decision).

Good luck to everyone who is planning on entering. :D


Thread Bumping becuase currently no-one has shown interest.

I've tried revising the rules to what could hopefully be more open.

Will's on Fire


Quote from: Narric on April 30, 2013, 10:53:11 PM
- Any Warhammer 40 Fast Attack Choice, with the Unit Type "Infantry" only.
Does that include subsets of the infantry class such as jump infantry? Or is the point of an infantry comp only to include footsloggers? For example I'd classify Swooping Hawks as light infantry (already entered mine in a previous comp so not revealing anything there) but maybe they'd fit better into a Fast Attack comp.


Quote from: Tom on May 22, 2013, 10:26:34 PM
Quote from: Narric on April 30, 2013, 10:53:11 PM
- Any Warhammer 40 Fast Attack Choice, with the Unit Type "Infantry" only.
Does that include subsets of the infantry class such as jump infantry? Or is the point of an infantry comp only to include footsloggers? For example I'd classify Swooping Hawks as light infantry (already entered mine in a previous comp so not revealing anything there) but maybe they'd fit better into a Fast Attack comp.
[sarcastic answer]Whats that last word that you quoted ;)[/sacasm]

I deliberately specified Infantry Only. No subsets like Jump allowed, though obviously I can't disallow "Character" because Squads leaders are by default :P

Units like Swooping Hawks will be in their own Contest: "The Cavalry" ;)

Please keep in mind, I'm trying to open up the contests,but still trying to have some sort of restriction/theme with them. In this instance Light Infantry are the more numerous and lightly armoured part of the army, such as Scouts or Fire Warriors, or Wood Elf Glade Guard.


I have yet to recieve any entries for this contest.

I've yet to see much interest either, which means I'm not that inclined to extend the deadline.

If people are concerned their entry may not be within guidelines, don't hesitate to PM me.


If I can find some motivation I might get an entry done.


Deadline still a long way away right?

Am assembling my entry this weekend.  8)




Personally even if I was done i wouldn't have sent my entry in yet, just sit on it and see if i see anything i want to fix.

Tempest Six Two

shame no jump infantry allowed. Blood angels = laugh at foot sloggers.
My mini painting and terrain building blog- come check it out:


Tempest Six Two

Narric- I now have a few units that are good to go for this- has there been any more takers?
My mini painting and terrain building blog- come check it out:



It would mean we have two entries.

I've been a little disheartened with the Contests. Maybe this bump will get somebody else interested :P


I guess I could rush my combat squad and get some pictures up!


I tried taking some photos, but the only camera I could get my hands on wasn't good enough. You couldn't tell what the models were, let alone if they were painted well. Also I might have had to justify their entry anyway; they were a LotR dwarves entry.