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Narric [BT] Vs EmpireSpy [Guard] | [750pts]

Started by Narric, June 08, 2013, 12:53:30 PM

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Kinda of a into forum battle this, as I was playing against a member of the Imperial Guard Message Boards.

To be honest, I was shocked to see what the guy had squeezed into a 750pt list. and I thought I was being cheesy with my 180pt Eternal Warrior with 2+/3++ Warlord :P

Keep in mind, this isn't like my game with RGC, as we were using normal FOC limitations.

Here is what I choose to field for this game:
Marshall Novan - Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Adamantium Mantle, Artificer Armour
Warlord Trait: Master of Ambush
Emperors' Champion - "Suffer not The Unclean to Live"

Crusader Squad (5) - 5x Initiates, 1x Flamer
Razorback - Lascannons, Dozer Blade, Searchlight
Crusader Squad (6) - 6x Initiates, 1x Power Sword, Meltagun
Razorback - Lascannons, Dozer Blade, Searchlight

Fast Attack
Land Speeder - Heavy Bolter

Total = 749pts
[Just realized I completely forgot to field my Land Speeder. I will have no way of knowing if it could have been beneficial this game.]

Empire Spy's list:
Company Command Squad -  3x Grenade Launchers, 1x flamer
Warlord Trait: Master of the Vanguard

Ratling Snipers (3)

Veteran squad - Foreword Sentries, Shotguns, 3x flamers
Veteran squad - Demolitions, Lasguns, 3x Plasma Guns

Fast attack
Vendetta Squadron (2) - Hellfury Missiles
Vendetta (solo) - Triple Lascannons

Total = 740pts

Battlefield set-up

Field Deployment - Vanguard
Three Ratling snipers deployed in the burnt woods.
The rest is held in Reserve aboard Vendettas

Black Templars
Emperor's Champion deployed next to Bunker Complex. One Razorback deployed next to Cargo vehicles containing Meltagun and Power weapon equipped Crusader Squad, the other isdeployed between Complex and ruins, and carries the Marshall and his squad of Crusaders..

The Emperor's Will

Turn 1
The Ratlings try to leave the woods, but a roll of 1 for difficult terrain keeps them there. (and there they sat for the rest of the game)

The Razorbacks charged forward Flat Out, whilst the Emperors' Champion ran towards the enemy deployment zone.

Turn 2
The Command Vendetta and Forward Sentry Vendetta arrive from reserves.

Sentry Vendetta fires upon the Marshall's Razorback. It achieves two penetrating hits, stunning the crew, and destroying the Main gun.

My Crusader Razorback fires upon the Command Vendetta, scoring a glancing hit with a snap-shot.

Turn 3
The third Vendetta carrying the Demolitions experts arrives.

The Sentry Vendetta lowers from the skies, and its passengers disembark. After, its fires again at the Marshalls Razorback, achieving two Penetrating hits, Wrecking the transport before Vehicle Damage could be applied. The Marshall and his unit disembark.

The Command Vendetta turns its attention towards the Crusader Razorback, unlessing all three of its Twin-linked Lascannons. With three Penetrating Hits, the Rzorback is destroyed immediately.

The recently disembarked Sentries fire their shotguns and Flamers at the marshall and his unit. only one flamer it able to without scorching the owning unit. The volley of fire and metal takes out the Flamer holding Crusader, whilst the Marshall shrugs it off. Imbued with Righteous Zeal, the Crusaders and Marshall march toward the Sentries.

The Demolitions Vendetta fires its hellfury missiles at the Emperors' Champion. A stry shoot hurtles towards the Sentries however. Three Guard lay dead, including the units Sergeant, but the Champion stood firm.

The Tank hunting Crusaders ignored the Vendetta above them, and took a shooting stance towards the Sentries. They fired upon them, killing a further three guard.

The Marshall squad and the Emperors' champion also fire their pistols unto the squad, killing two more.

With all this fire, it is understandable that the Guardsmen tried to run away, and no man amongst them could stop it.

The Meltagun Crusaders charged at the fleeing guardsmen, with a single lucky shot taking a marine down. The combat was fast and furious, with the guardsmen barely managing to take out a single marine, but the weight of the superhuman soldiers crushed them. It was an easy victory.

At this poit my internet went funny. Nothing was really lost. Was probably because I had downloaded Warframe from steam :P

I had to disconnect, then re-connect. After that, we continued as normal.

Turn 4
The Demolition Vendetta had managed to skip right past the battlefield, leaving the warzone, and returning to being in Reserve.

The Command Vendetta had dropped down to discharge its cargo.

The Sntries' Vendetta fired its Hellfuries upon the Marshalls' unit, killing two marines, and wounding the Marshall.

The Command Vendetta fired it triple LAscannons at the Marshall also, punching through the marshalls shield and wounding him again. The MArshals' unit charge towards the offending Vendetta.

The Command Squad fired upon the MArshall, and if unit. the volume of fire struck the Marshall hardest, and he was taken out.

The Meltagun Crusaders targeted the hovering Vendetta. With a highly precise shot, it was destroyed.

The Marshalls' unit and the Emperors' Champion fired upon the Command Squad, killing a guardsmen, and wounding the enemy commander.

With fury, the Marines and Champion charged against the Command squad. With futility, they tried to stand and fire.
The Champion called out a challenge, accepted in full by the enemy commander. Desptite the Commanders Refractor field, the Champion was too strong, and slaughtered the Commander where he stood.
The marines also made short work of the remaining guardsmen with little resistance.

Turn 5
The Demolitions Venetta re-arrived, and after moving flat-out, the Demolition Vets disembarked via Grav-chute insertion.

Considering the loadout, I decided to call the game.

It was increadibly close. going by Objectives, it was 5 Victory Points to ES, and 4 Victory Points to me.

However, very quickly the Demo-Vets killed my Champion, and with that I had slim chances on defeating the remaining Guard and Vendetta.

It was an incredibly good and fun game.

Don't spend points on something if you're not going to remember to put it on the field.


Good game!
Those Vendettas really do a number on you and are quite nasty in the current environment.
Did you have a moment when you felt things turn, or was it just a sort of gradual roll-up?

BigToof Points:

Cammerz: 8
Waaaghpower: 1
The Man They Call Jayne: 3
Mabbz: 6
Archon Sharrek: 3


Quote from: BigToof on June 09, 2013, 11:01:15 PM
Good game!
Those Vendettas really do a number on you and are quite nasty in the current environment.
Did you have a moment when you felt things turn, or was it just a sort of gradual roll-up?

I think after both my HQ characters had died was when I was thining "S***, I'm not going to win" but I kept going until the odds were truly against me. So when those Plasma Vets decided the get out their Vendetta :P

Lord Sotek

Three vendettas at 750 points? Seriously? Three? Against Black Templars?  :facepalm001:

That's just... That leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. I'm not sure I would've had the forbearance you showed facing this guy, Narric.
Quote from: Saulus on March 17, 2011, 06:16:56 PM
Often I hear delusional ramble like "I painted and collected my army as ultramarine tyranid hunters....but Pedro is really good, so now I'm using him, but I'm just going to call him Jimbob-Fistpumper, cause that fits with my


Yeah 3 vendettas at such a small points value is very tough to deal with.

At smaller points values I think you really need to use restrictions.

Me and my friends use a format called Slayer;

600 Pts
1-2 HQ
2-6 Troops
0-1 Elite
0-1 HS OR FA, not 1 of each.

No Allies, no Forts, no Spec Characters, no Flyers. 

Ive played in a few tournaments using it and it works really well, ive even ran one myself using it. It makes things much harder to abuse at such a small points value and you find that solid scoring becomes really important as the limitations stop armies just tabling their opponent and so just using the cheapest scoring possible.
X-Wing Tournaments;
1st - 38
11th - 33


Quote from: Lord Sotek on June 20, 2013, 03:29:08 PM
Three vendettas at 750 points? Seriously? Three? Against Black Templars?  :facepalm001:

That's just... That leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. I'm not sure I would've had the forbearance you showed facing this guy, Narric.
Can I really complain after destroying two of them before the Plasma Vets turned up?

And I think Black Templars can counter the cheese by fielding three Vindicators :P they may not have Skyfire, but they are pretty damn powerful ;)