Second Sphere

Hobby Creations => Hobby => Topic started by: Narric on August 01, 2014, 07:28:22 PM

Title: Looking for Interest - Sci-fi Paired Wings
Post by: Narric on August 01, 2014, 07:28:22 PM
Looking to drum up some interest in a product I have designed, and could potentially sell through Zealot Miniatures.

This technically has been a long and drawn out process, mostly from me going on and off the project due to distractions.

The first design looked like this:

Very clunky as I'm not the best modeller with most materials :P

Thanks to SCIENCE and 3D modeling technology, and some simple creativity that we all possess, I present the 3D modelled version:

A lot neater, and a lot more precise. I admit its not going to win any beauty awards, but for practicle purposess I think its pretty good.

Of course these Sci-fi wings have been made with the intention of being used as a conversion part for Sci-fi wargames miniatures, be they Warhammer 40K, Infinity or Urban War.

If you see this, and you're interested, please leave a comment and share this Blog post. (*

Thats all for now, thanks for reading


*Blog post not viewable until Monday, August 4th, 12pm