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Hobby Creations => Hobby => Topic started by: Narric on February 12, 2014, 12:04:15 AM

Title: Scotia Grendal - scource of Unique models for your Army
Post by: Narric on February 12, 2014, 12:04:15 AM
Re-purposing this thread :P

Finding some real gems of models on the Scotia Grendal webstore (

For you IG Catachan players:
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Pretty much any IG force:
( ( ( (

For Space Wolf/Marine Players:
( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Despite being intended for Sci-fi, these would probably look good in Fantasy armies:
( ( ( ( ( (

And here is some awesome scenary :P
( (

Original OP
Well, close to it.
This little wargame is produced by Scotia Grendal Productions, and its not their only Sci-fi game, and they seem to still be selling their stuff.
A lot of the rules are very comfortable for a long standing 40k player.
In terms of factions, it seems they're all humans variants. Best description would probably be the gangs and families of Necromunda brought into the battlefileds of 40k.
For models, those that choose either the Junkers or Viridian as their army of choice you have access to Plastic kits of five models, which are comparatively convertable as Space Marines. Other factions however seem to only have Metal miniatures, but a "Full Squad" seems to only be five models, and they're roughly under £10 per squad.
Its late for me, so I'll give it a better look other either tomorrow or later this week.
If you want to check out Scotia Grendal Productions, the link is here:
Title: Re: Void 1.1 - 40k using D10s
Post by: Narric on February 12, 2014, 08:35:59 PM
Have been reading deeper into this.

first thing that is rathersurprising is that the Rulebook is ten years old, and the company that produced it is seems to no-longer exist. In fact, according to The Miniatures Page (, it was bought out or reformed into Urban Mammoth.

By the Scotia Grendal's own website, Void was bought in 2006.

It seems the game system itself has been left to gather dust, with no updates planned.

With all that said, it means I'm no longer surprised by the number of bad formating choices, and inconsistancies such as rules being mentioned in Forcebooks, that aren't expanded upon anywhere.

Conclusion. Its a decent game system to do if you're wanting something different from Warhammer 40k and is much cheaper, though a little dated with small chance of update. Looking through the product line provided by Scotia Grendal (, you will definately find a mini that you'll like.
Title: Re: Void 1.1 - 40k using D10s
Post by: Pilum on February 12, 2014, 09:52:26 PM
Thanks for making me feel old(er) Narric  :P

My memory vaguely agrees that they did read interestingly, I think we had a trial game or two (they handed out free quick-start rules at a load of cons & shows back then, I recall) but my group then was still very much 40k and it didn't quite replace the itch.
Title: Re: Void 1.1 - 40k using D10s
Post by: Narric on February 13, 2014, 08:57:40 AM
Poking around more, it seems the game was remade into "Urban War." It in its second edition right now, and BoW even didn't a review/interview of it back in 2011.

Only problem I have with the newer game is all the kits are metal. Yeah the sculpts look great, but I never liked metal for my armies. Fortunately You can still buy plastic kits of the old Void era models, so it just needs some conversion work to look like the Urban War models.