
Cammerz brings us some fantastically painted and customised Alpha Legion. Check out their work with detail shots and design insight.

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Hobby / Re: Carmine Blades Crusade
Last post by Mabbz - July 18, 2022, 08:11:33 AM
Looks great, I especially love those cloaks.
Hobby / Re: Carmine Blades Crusade
Last post by Cammerz - July 17, 2022, 03:05:06 PM
Update time:

I have been working on thirteen additional Carmine Blades but as the official start to our Crusade approaches I decided to switch my efforts to just four of those models so I can put 500pts from my roster onto the tabletop, they aren't the full 500 I'd want to start with so I will do my best to finish the next three models during this next week.

Firstly, Games Workshop recently updated the points again which made a couple of my units cheaper, I actually gained 35pts from my 1000pt Crusade Roster but due to most Primaris units not having too many options I was only actually able to spend 10 of them, those ten were well spent however as I shall be swapping a member of Squad Tamiar out for this Helix Adept. I haven't named him yet but if he starts performing well on the battlefield then he may earn one. I also expect him to perform quite well in Kill Team but that's another matter entirely...

And now to introduce a new unit to the Crusade, Squad Kanatis. Phobos Marines don't have a huge amount of anti-armour so I decided the best course of action (until I eventually pick up an Invictor or two) would be to equip some Eliminators with long-range Thunder Hammers (more commonly known as Las Fusils). This isn't my first 40k unit with camo cloaks but it is the first time I have attempted transforming cloaks, the design was shamelessly borrowed and altered from a Lamenter I saw on Google Images and I'm very pleased with how they've turned out.

Comments, Suggestions and Troubleshooting / Re: Spam Accounts
Last post by Irisado - July 10, 2022, 10:47:08 AM
This looks like a spam account to me:;u=16492
Hobby / Re: Carmine Blades Crusade
Last post by Cammerz - June 08, 2022, 04:57:40 PM
Fortunately Narric, you don't need to wait long. I was batch-painting another dozen models alongside the Lieutenant and they're ready to display now.

The bulk of that effort is Squad Haniar, the saltires on their knees marking them out as 10th company's 6th squad. Reivers aren't seen as being fantastic on the tabletop these days but Narrative gaming isn't about bringing the best units. I have constructed a full 10-man squad but my Crusade Roster currently only contains a Combat Squad's worth, the others will be added at a later date as our campaign starts to escalate. The last man was finished just last night as I spent a couple of hours finishing off the head I took from the Lieutenant in Reiver Armour (more on that kit at a later date).

I then have some additional characters and we shall start with the most heavily-converted of all the Crusade force (so far), Brother Lysandiel Castandro, Sanguinary Priest.

Now, technically he's not a Primaris unit, Sanguinary Priests don't get the Primaris keyword and Primaris Apothecaries get neither jump packs or fancy goblets full of Primarch blood, but Firstborn marines look too small and I stole this idea from several other people who had already done it on Google Images. The model is primarily the Bladeguard Ancient with an old Assault Marine jump pack, his Blood Chalice hand is from the Blood Angels upgrade sprue and I used green stuff to mould a wrist so he could be carrying it upright, his left arm (from shoulder to wrist) and the items attached to his tasset plates are from the old Command Squad Apothecary, his left hand is from a Reiver (as is his shoulder pad) and the massive chainsword held in its grip is from the new Gravis Captain, the tilting plate is from the Intercessor kit and finally the head (which I think looks suspiciously like Kirk Douglas) is a Forge World Stormcast Eternals offering.

More Requisition Points spent here to make him 'The Imperium's Sword' and a chainsword that big and fancy could only be the mighty relic 'The Teeth of Terra'. On the charge he has 8 attacks (or 9 in the Assault Doctrine which he could put himself in on any turn if he wanted), hitting on 2s, at strength 6 with a bonus +1 to wound. As the current (joint)-highest Leadership model in my force, he's the de facto Warlord.

And now for something completely different. Ladies and Gentlemen might I present to you Persephyka Shayde, Culexus Assassin.

I think Assassins are fun, you can add one to any Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment without messing up Chapter Tactics and Combat Doctrines etc. She can jump in behind my opponent's forces and scare the living daylights out of any psykers they might consider bringing (or the mere presence of her in my Roster could discourage them from bringing those mortal-wound slinging mages altogether).

The model was an ebay purchase with a fair amount of damage (I have a feeling that someone might have stepped on her in the past) so I rolled with it and broke out the Nihilakh Oxide, perhaps she has been abandoned on this planet for a while and has finally found a force of loyal Space Marines that might be able to get her back home. Also as Dan Abnett's novel, Penitent suggests, it might be a good idea for the Sons of Sanguinius to keep a pariah nearby. I won't spoil the book but I'd strongly recommend giving his Eisenhorn, Ravenor and Bequin series' a read.

Hobby / Re: Carmine Blades Crusade
Last post by Narric - June 07, 2022, 08:01:19 PM
Awesome looking work dude! :3
Looking forward to what comes next!
Hobby / Carmine Blades Crusade
Last post by Cammerz - June 07, 2022, 04:36:33 PM
Some friends and I are planning to start a Narrative Campaign for 9th edition and this involves constructing a Crusade Roster. Several of my fellow generals will simply use models that are already in their collections but I decided to start something else completely from scratch.

The concept behind this force began with the Forge World Blood Angels legion helmets, I took one look at them and thought 'if they were painted white with gold then they wouldn't look too dissimilar from the jedi temple guard helmets'. A quick glance through a list of Blood Angels successor chapters for one with white helmets and I settled upon the Carmine Blades.

As an army to be used in Narrative games, I decided to settle upon a theme and (mostly) stick to it rather than going for a purely competitive list, this isn't a force that I'd bring to tournaments. The theme I have chosen is 10th company, notably Primaris Marines in Phobos armour (like many BA successors they got pretty badly mauled by the Tyranids on Baal so there aren't too many firstborn left).

The Crusade force is still a work in progress, I'll keep this topic updated as I paint more models, but I'm hoping to keep the momentum going and get the first 500pts finished fairly soon so I can start playing games and shortly after that I want the full 1000pt Crusade Roster.

The first unit I completed (initially for Kill Team, hopefully some of them will get a few more games with the new Phobos Strike Team rules) is Squad Tamiar (3rd squad based on their knee designs). I have five completed Infiltrators so far with two more in line to be painted so I have options to run with: Infiltrator Comms Array, Helix Gauntlet or a generic Infiltrator. My thanks to White Dwarf for providing the fancy background.

Next up is my Lieutenant, Masolino Arto (thank you random online name generators), he's a Lieutenant in Phobos Armour who will be the Force Commander for my early Crusade battles, I have already spent requisition points to give him a Warlord Trait and a Relic, he shall be the Master of the Vanguard and has a Blood Angels relic, Icon of the Angel. Combined they give nearby Phobos units +1 to charge (on top of the +1 to charge I get for being a Blood Angels successor) and re-roll charges. Deep striking in to a re-rollable 7" charge is pretty reliable so hopefully I'll get the melee kills in.

He's a fully converted model, the torso, legs and grav chute are from the Primaris Reivers, his head is one of the Forge World Blood Angels helmets, his arms are from Incursors, backpack and Purity Seal Tabard are from a Bladeguard Ancient and his shoulder pad, Icon and sheathed combat blade all come from a firstborn Blood Angels upgrade kit. All of the bases in my Crusade force are Necromunda ones.

Hobby / Re: Tomb Lords - Chapter Biogr...
Last post by Narric - June 04, 2022, 09:32:27 PM
Made an adjustment of the Chapter's History section:

The Tomb Lords are a Successor Chapter to the Imperial Fists, and as such follows its parent Chapters' preference for siege warfare. The world of Pyrodiah was formally ruled by feudal warlords, but was quickly brought in-line with Imperial doctrine when it was assigned as the Tomb Lords Homeworld. Between M36 and M41, known as the Age of Apostasy, the Necron presence far beneath the surface began to stir. The Tomb Lords returned home to counter-attack the threat from beneath the worlds' feet, and pushed back against the metallic menace. Through grueling combat within the Necron catacombs deep underground, the threat was effectively neutralized, though pockets of the ancient robots still persist across the planet, rising to harass civilian and military centers.
Warhammer 40,000 Army Lists / Re: Tomb Lords First List
Last post by Narric - May 31, 2022, 11:24:47 AM
Hmmm, so I've nickel and dimed my way through the list with Battlescribe, and come up with the following replacements

Take out the Scouts and Razorback entirely

Bladeguard Veterans (3) [5PL, 110pts]
Sergeant - Neovolkite Pistol

Fast Attack
Invader ATV [4PL, 85pts]

Ignore this :P

Fast Attack
Attack Bike [2PL,50pts]
Heavy Bolter

Heavy Support
Devastator Squad (5) [8PL, 150pts]
Sergeant - Thunderhammer
Squad - 3x Missile Launchers

I did at one point consider the Hellblasters with the Assault variant. Even if vehicles are T8 in general, that'd still be a chunk of firepower flying at them with each model having 3shots each.

At least with the Missile Launchers, I have the versatility I want to be able to engage both armoured and hoard base forces. Kinda of funny that I have a single Devastator marine without a heavy weapon XD

The attack bike was thrown in to fill the points, but at least it can be a fast moving harassment unit.
Warhammer 40,000 Army Lists / Re: Tomb Lords First List
Last post by Cammerz - May 29, 2022, 08:48:47 PM
It isn't just initiative penalties that have been removed, the entire characteristic was removed from the game at the start of 8th edition. These days the fight phase starts with all units that charged that turn and then each player alternates between units that didn't charge starting with the player whose turn it isn't. I had a game earlier today and there was usually a lot of tactics involved with choosing the order for units to fight; "the unit attacking my bikes have already gone so they're now safe for the rest of the phase, the poxwalkers aren't much of a threat, I'd be better striking with my dreadnought next because the terminators could wreck it if they strike ahead of it" and so forth.

Power fists now get a -1 to hit rule so you'll typically hit on a 4+ instead of a 3+.

If you want a transport to replace the Razorback then the cheap Primaris version is the Impulsor, otherwise I'd suggest looking at anti-armour units like: Devastators, Eradicators or Attack Bikes.
Warhammer 40,000 Army Lists / Re: Tomb Lords First List
Last post by Narric - May 26, 2022, 08:00:53 PM
Quote from: Cammerz on May 26, 2022, 05:16:31 PM
I presume (based on your post in the hobby section) that one of those is an Assault Intercessor squad.
Plasma Pistol and Power Fist is the Assault squad, as now adjusted. So far as I can tell, Initiative penalties have been removed, at least for the Astartes equipment?

QuoteWhich weapon do you intend to use for the regular Intercessors? Regular bolt rifles aren't as good now against any army with Armour of Contempt (power armour) so if you're expecting to fight any variant of Astartes or Sororitas then you might be better off going Auto (for more shots) or Stalker (so you still have some AP and that bonus damage).
For the Vanilla Intercessors, I'm limited to the push-fit models that came from the 8th Edition First Strike and Paint set, so they're equipped with basic Bolt Rifles.
I'm currently unsure what I'd be facing though. Surprisingly my MtG playgroup  has indirectly gotten the Warhammer bug thanks to the Crossover set Wizards is producing, and so far I've seen mention of Orks, Necrons, Eldar and of course some flavour of Space Marines.

QuoteAs the only squad that can travel in the Razorback, are the scouts are going in there or is your plan to start them up the board in concealed positions, if the former then they might not get much use out of the camo cloaks and you could find a heavy weapon a better use of the points (a missile launcher in that squad or something heavier on the Razorback), you don't seem to have much anti-tank (they aren't too common at 500pts but you never know, a friend of mine is planning on fitting a Riptide in his Combat Patrol).
I was unaware that the Primaris could not embark the Razorback. If that is the case, I'd probably drop the Razorback, and find something else to fill the pts and pl space. At present the Primaris, Assault and vanilla Intercessors are already modeled, so the Scouts and Razorback are much easier to outright swap out. Just currently unsure what to suitably replace them with.

QuoteOne last thing I'd suggest is looking into relics, your lieutenant can grab something like the Burning Blade for more close combat punch or the Vox Espiritum for bigger aura range. The Imperial Fists supplement might also have some fun special issue wargear if you don't like the look of any of the core codex relics.
I have Battlescribe on both my Phone and Desktop, and I believe the Desktop version of the list has the Lieutenant bare the Burning Blade, which without playing a game yet just looks so damn good by comparison.